Day One: Screw You?

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Theme: Enemies

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As the school year was winding down Stiles couldn't wait for summer vacation to start. He couldn't wait for senior year. One more year of high school and he would be free of Beacon Hills. On the last day of school, he was clearing out his locker when a piece of paper fell out. He picked it up seeing it was a note and after glancing around he opened it.

Stilinski, I've been thinking, and you should meet me at the bridge in the preserve. I want to ask you something but in a more private place. 

Stiles tilted his head and glanced around again before zipping up his bag, closing his locker and heading to his jeep. He read the note again and chewed on his lip. Who would put this note in his locker and what do they want? Very few people called him by his last name instead of Stiles and none of them would be someone he'd want to be alone with. Still, only one way to find out who. So Stiles drove to the preserve and parked, taking a deep breath as he turned off the jeep. He tapped his fingers on his steering wheel. "Oh, fuck it." He got out and walked down the path to the bridge a bit further in and realized he was the first to arrive. So, he leaned against the railing to wait.

Not even fifteen minutes later he heard someone coming and his eyes landed on none other than Jackson Whittemore. Now Stiles may have tensed because things with Jackson never worked out in his favor, but he stood his ground. Jackson smirked as he got closer. "Relax Bambi. You look ready to bolt and I swear I don't bite. Well not unless you ask nicely."

Stiles's eyes widened in surprise at Jackson's boldness while his cheeks pinked at the name. "Well, I'm here. Why am I here Jackson?"

Jackson leaned against the railing of the bridge and his eyes roamed over Stiles's body. He'd always had a bit of a fascination with him but well he'd never cared enough to do something about it. Now however– "You tell me. Why did you come?"

"You only live once."


Stiles shrugged. "Don't hate on the YOLO dude. What did you want from me?"

Jackson turned and carefully caged Stiles in, raising an eyebrow. "Any plans this summer Stilinski?"

"Not really."

"No dates or video games or movie nights?"

Stiles rolled his eyes. "I don't have a significant other so no dates and usually the one I'd play video games with is preoccupied with his girlfriend. So, thanks for rubbing it in."

Jackson tilted his head moving closer. "Lydia and I are on a break, and we only have one more year of high school before we all go our separate ways. Seeing as YOLO what do you say we spend our summer together?"

Stiles swallowed thickly, his Adam's apple bobbing, and Jackson tracked the movement. "When you say spend it together are you talking about video games and movies by chance or–"

Jackson cuts him off by kissing his neck and Stiles goes a little weak in the knees. "O-Or that." He clears his throat but before he can ask another question Jackson's lips are on his and devouring his mouth like a man starving for it.

He feels Jackson's hands on his hips slipping under his shirt as he wraps his arms around Jackson's neck. Their bodies moving in sync as they undulate against each other, their kiss growing in desire and alternating who sucks on whose tongue. They eventually pull from the kiss needing to breathe and pant as they rest their heads together.

"Fuck," Stiles said quietly.

"We will," Jackson promised as he moved to leave a hickey on the other boy's neck. "You're mine this summer. Yes?" He waited for Stiles to nod and smirked. "This stays between us. Yes?" Stiles lolled his head back and nodded moaning when Jackson bit his neck. "Good boy Stiles."

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