🥀Chapter Fifty One🥀

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I called Devin earlier to let him know I wouldn't be coming home tonight. I didn't let him in on the details but I ensured him that I would be alright. As I sat in the front seat as Mordechai drove us to his penthouse, my mind was all over the place.

My body felt excited about what's to come but that didn't mean I wasn't overthinking things. I glanced over at him and a smile twitched itself unto my lips. If someone had told me that I would somehow end up falling for Mordechai I would've laughed hysterically at them.

"What's on your mind?", he asked as his eyes met mine for a few seconds before averting them back on the road.

"Nothing really", I lied and gave him a small smile. I knew he didn't belive me because a smirk sprung to his lips.

"Oh really? Thought it would be me on your mind and the things am about to do to you".

He was so cocky. I bit my lip as I ignored his face. Hew definitely knew what to say and when to say it. He reached out and placed a hand on my leg. He squeezed and I moaned quietly enough so he couldn't hear. His hands were manly and smooth and my skin gladly accepted his touch.

There was silence after that but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was peaceful and I knew we both were in our thoughts. I found myself just turning onto my side and just staring at him. Mordechai was something else. The day I saw him I knew it was best to stay away from him because he gave off this negative energy that I didn't like. He was well stern and didn't tolerate low class people too well.

That was before I actually started to know more about him and his deeper personality. Everyone has different sides to them and I figured out another side to Mordechai. That was the side that made me challenge him. That was the side that made my body go into haywire mode. That was the side that made me realize I was already a goner.

That was the side I fell for. And I fell hard.


The elevator ride to the top floor was silent. I didn't know if something was wrong but Mordechai seemed a bit tense. He had his hands in his pocket as he submerged himself in his thoughts. Was this all a game? My mind wanted to tell me to leave before it's too late. This couldn't be just a game. We had chemistry even if we don't have anything else.

He ran a hand through his hair and that's when I knew there was something stressing him. I pushed my thoughts away and went over to his side. I was behind him so I reached out and wrapped my arms around his torso. My lips went to his neck and I kissed it. Next thing I knew he turned around and started devouring my lips.

I moaned into his mouth as his hands went lower than usual and squeezed harshly. I kissed him back fiercely but we had to pull away when the elevator came to a stop. Before I could make a move he was already lifting me up. I grabbed unto him a bit startled by his sudden movement.

The place was a bit dark with only the city lights illuminating the room through the parted curtains. He placed me on my feet before going to draw the curtains and then the lights were on. His room was spacious as I remembered. The last time I was here he had given me an unspeakable amount of documents to take home. This felt a bit like Deja Vu.

I watched as he took off his jacket before going to his cabinet and taking out two glasses. We had some food before earlier so I wasn't hungry. I took a seat on the bed before taking off my shoes and stocking. He sat on the bed beside me and handed me my glass. I took a sip and I actually liked how it tasted.

"I want to ask you something about your past", he said looking at me. I nod yes as I wondered what question was about to come.

"I want to know more about this Zed person and why is he after you? He's still out there and I don't think you yourself feels safe. If you're to be my woman I don't want you to be living in fear", he stated before reaching out and giving me a kiss. I smiled slightly before letting him in on my past life.

"I had no family, no friends and basically no life. Zed took me in and provided everything for me. It wasn't the ideal job that I wanted but I had no choice. I did some...unspeakable things but I never thought of it. All those times I was used aggressively I never thought of them. I made an account for myself which Zed never knew about so when I finally decided to leave it wasn't a problem. I know I'm not perfect and will never be but, being what I was made me stronger. I learned to whitstand the harsh reality of the world. The worst customers were the rich ones and that is why I can't stand rich people. They always seem to want to walk over low status persons. Only Julia and Devin knows".

I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks and I honestly felt shattered. He took the glass from me before getting up only to return later and pulled me on top of him. He used his hands to wipe away my tears amd I accepted his affection.

"Vanessa, fuck, I didn't know what you've been through and I can't say I can relate because I can't. But since I got to know you, you're so unique. You're more than what those people claimed you to be. You're a strong woman and I really admire that. Leaving was the best decision you could ever make and it paid off. You're living your life free and from now on I don't want you to be in fear. I'll try my best to protect you because you're MINE now".

My tears were all long gone and I could only smiled. Mordechai Lenetti was saying all of these words. Just thinking of it made me smile even more. I was his now. He smirked widely before reaching out and capturing my lips. He turned us over so now he was on top. His hand caressed my leg as he dominated my mouth. I moaned when his fingers brushed against my panties.

He got up and then took off his shirt. His chest was beautiful and I found myself just staring and biting my lip. He started kissing me again before going to my neck and sucking on it. My hands played with his hair as I closed my eyes and let him did as he pleased. He started to unbotton my blouse and I sat up and take it off.

My self consciousness started to kick in but was quickly eliminated when he looked at my body with such lust. It was a good thing I wore my favorite bra and panty set today. He kissed my chest and I laid back and enjoyed the feeling of how good his lips felt. His hand reached around my back and unclasped my bra. I was now exposed to him but I didn't try to cover up.

"Chai!", I moaned out loudly as he took one of my nipples in his mouth. It had been so long since my body received this type of pleasure. He used his free hand to massage the other so they were both getting equal attention. After a while he left them and went to my skirt. He pulled it off revealing my black lace panty.

He groaned as he started to unbotton his pants. In the meantime my eyes wandered all over the room. My eyes went back to his when I felt his hands on my legs. I wouldn't deny how good he looked in his boxers. He came back on top and that's when I actually felt how hard he was. It was deeply pressed unto my belly.

"You're so hot", he groaned out before attacking my chest once more. My body shivered and my toes curled as he led me to a different place where only pleasure was. His fingers went lower and lower until they were between my legs. He rubbed me there and I moaned out and pulled his hair impossibly harder.

"So fucking wet"

He pulled off my panty once and for all before pacing my leg on his shoulder. Before I could register anything his head went between my legs. My body arched as a burning sensation hit me. 8t felt so good. I could feel his wet tongue playing with every inch of my vagina.

"Chai, oh god!", I moaned out when I felt something building up. I was so close that my body started trembling. My toes curled as he gave me a long lick and I knew I couldn't hold it any longer. I came so hard. My body felt like it was in shock from how good that was. We were both breathing hard as he pulled away leaving my body aching.

He got up and just stood there staring at me. He licked his lips as his eyes were held with nothing but lust. His eyes met mine and he smirked at me as I bit my lip and waited for what else was about to come. He went to the drawer beside the bed and took out a condom.

Protection was a must.


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