🥀Chapter Fifty Two🥀

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I felt like I wanted to go the bathroom but I didn't want to spoil the mood but I couldn't hold it any longer. I got and was about to walk off but I was pulled back. His hands went around my waist and then towards my scar. His finger traced over it and somewhere behind those lustful eyes I saw some anger.

"It's from my past", I say as his eyes met mine. He released my body and I made my way towards the bathroom. I closed the door and sat on the toilet seat. The bathroom was just as spacious as his room and everything seemed of high quality. I got up and flushed the toilet and then I washed my hands.

My hair was a mess but my face was flushed and my cheeks were red. I looked at myself for a few more seconds before leaving the bathroom. Mordechai was laid out on the bed naked as he waited for me. It was a crime to be that hot and good looking.

When I was close enough to him he pulled me on top. We didn't exchange any words before he attacked my neck and my breasts with kisses. After that toe curling orgasm my body was so turned on. His finger started to play with my clit and I arched my back as the pleasure engulfed me.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes!", I moaned out before he placed me on the bed and went to turn off the lights. He then parted the curtain slightly so the place was somewhat illuminated. I could see his outline in the dark as he approached me like a predator.

He climbed on top of me and placed one of my legs over his shoulder. This was it. I haven't sex in over two years and now that was about to change. I grabbed unto his arm when I felt the tip going in. I knew he was huge but I was now feeling it deep inside me.

"Mmm", I chanted, eyes half closed. He went deeper and that's when my nails sunk into his skin. He groaned before attaching his lips unto mine. By this time he was all the way in as I tried to adjust to the pain. He pulled out and went back in rocking the bed in the process.


My legs went around his back as he started to go faster. The bed was shaking as if a earthquake was happening. I felt another wave of orgasm coming on and I reached behind me and grabbed unto to something, anything!. Mordechai was groaning in my ear as he gave me the best sex I've ever gotten.


I came so hard when he called my name. That was all he had to do to show how much control he had over my body. My body was trembling as I came down from my high. I couldn't move. I had no energy left. The only sounds that were now evident was our shallow breathing. He kissed me everywhere as I laid there still unable to move.

That was awesome. This was what real pleasure felt like. Sex wasn't only about penetration but the foreplay and how well aroused one can get. He pulled away but I remained still. My eyes were closing down from how exhausted I was. I didn't try to fight it; I closed my eyes and let the darkness consumed me.


I was awoken by the alarm on my phone. I got up and searched for it before turning it off. I groaned before laying back. My body felt so tired but it was worth it. My mind started to replay everything about last night. The way he touched me, kissed me and brought me the best pleasure I've ever got.

I got up and went to the bathroom only to find a new towel and a toothbrush waiting for me. I spent about five minutes brushing my teeth before stepping in the shower. I used the warm water because I was already a bit chilly. I was even suprised I could walk this morning. I laughed at the thought as I let the water engulf my entire body.

After a few minutes I left the shower and wrapped the towel around my body. I exited the bathroom only to next be greeted by a tray of food on the bed. I smiled as my belly growled from how good the food looked. I sat on the bed and dived in to eggs and French toast. I moaned as I savored the taste of this delicious breakfast.

"If you keep moaning like that we might be here all day".

I opened my eyes and saw Mordechai standing there in only a pair of jogger pants. His hair was a mess but I bet it looked even better than mine. He came and sat beside me as I continued to eat me food.

"I love your tattoos".

I looked at him for the longest wondering what he was talking about. He only smirked wider before pointing to my neck. I got up and went to the mirror dropping my towel instantly. This was unbelievable. My entire body was covered in hickeys. The largest ones were on my neck and breasts.

I turned and looked at him but he was only smirking away. He licked his lips as he eyed me up and down. I took up my towel and fixed it around my body before going back to the bed.

"If any guy sees them on you, they will know to stay away because you're mine", he stated before reaching out and kissing my neck. I moaned as his hand slide up and down my legs.

"You taste so good Essa"

I wanted to shout when his phone started ringing. I was actually enjoying that small heated session. He got up and went one side to answer it. I finished up my breakfast and placed the tray on the small table. Mordechai seemed uneasy as he ran a hand through his hair. He came over to my side and grabbed me by the waist.

"I have to take you home, my father wants to see me at the office. I want you to rest up and I'll call you the first chance I get ok?", he said but I felt like there was more than what he was telling me.

"Is everything alright?", I asked but he only smiled and went in for a kiss. I didn't ask anything else after that. He released me and I went to get my clothes. I pulled on everything except my stockings and then took up my bag. Mordechai dressed himself into just a pair of jeans and a blue dressing shirt.

He held out his hand I gladly took it as we left the room. His face was stern and I knew there was something bothering him with he refused to tell me.

"Mordechai, are you sure everything's alright?", was the first thing I asked when we entered the elevator.

"Vanessa, everything's fine ok? I'll handle it", he replied before kissing me on the lips. The rest of the elevator ride was silent and it felt uncomfortable. There was something he didn't want me to know or worry about and that concerned me.


The car came to a halt and I was about to exit but he he pulled me back.

"I'll call you ok?", he said as I nod and stared at him. He leaned in and gave me a long, deep kiss. His hand played with my waist for a while before pulling away.

I exited the car and closed the door. I went inside the house and that's when I heard his car drove away. I looked the door and went straight to my room. There was something deeply going on but I had to wait on Mordechai to tell me. If he father wanted to see him that bad, I can only imagine what he will be saying.

I flopped down on the bed as I stared at the ceiling. Last night was an amazing night and I wish I could've lasted longer. After I orgasmed I fell right asleep after due to how exhausted I was. My phone started ringing and I quickly got up and checked the caller.

It wasn't Mordechai.

I answered it even thou it was an unknown number and placed the phone to my ear.


"Vanessa, it's me"

For a second my breath stopped as I recognized the voice. I haven't heard from her since I ran away from Zed.



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