🥀Chapter Fifty Three🥀

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I ignored all the stares as I made my way to the elevator. All my father told me over the phone was that he wanted to see me immediately and it better be alone. There was something off about what he said making me think that he knew I was with someone last night. He also sounded pissed to the point that I thought I was talking to someone else.

The elevator came to a stop and I stepped out. The top floor was empty as I made my way to the office. I knocked before entering and saw my dad sitting drinking a glass of wine. When he saw me he stood up and that's when I noticed his stern expression.

"Mordechia, can you please explain why you're having an intimate relationship with your stripper assistant?"

I stared at him as I registered what he just said. How did he know that? I bit my bottom lip as I figured out how he knew about Vanessa's past and our intimate interactions. I was still staring at him and by this time if smoke could emerge from an angry person, he would be in flames.

"How...did you know about that?", I asked quietly as I watched him take out some photos and handed them to me. I clenched my draw as I looked at each photo. There was two from the first time Vanessa and I got heated in her office and the rest was from the lounge room.

"I want her fired and I don't want to see her back in this building. I've raised you better than this. There are so many beautiful woman out there who will make the best wife and you decided to date a stripper!?".

"Dad stop. So what if she had a messed up past?, I don't see her as the woman she was back then. I only see her as strong and independent and I want her. Is it a crime? Am sure if I marry her it's nobody's business", I replied throwing the photos on the desk.

I knew he wouldn't take this lightly but he was going too far. He can't possibly be judging Vanessa off her past. Just like me he hated when someone challenged him but I was his son and this was about my life.

The door was pushed open and my mom walked in. I groaned not expecting to see her right now.

"Your father called me and told me everything. I'm sure you're not considering marrying Vanessa Mordechai. You know why I hired her in the first place and her contract is almost up. Speaking of which, I'm going to give her a call and terminate the contract. That way there will be no holding her back to leave the city which she wanted in the first place".

My mind was in a mixture of emotions.

"I don't understand why you both are so against Vanessa and I", I say looking beteeen the both of them. I just wanted to leave and go back into the arms of the woman I wanted.

"We're not against you Chai, we are against her. She's just not the one. You may think she is or belive she is but she's not. Let her go, someone else will come along", my mom said as I stared at her. I was more focused on the small bruise that was on her neck. I knew there was something going on but all will be revealed in due time.

"I'm not having this conversation any longer, I'm leaving".

And with that I walked out and slammed the door. I ran a hand through my hair as I tried to decide on my next step. Someone had been spying on us the whole time and I had a feeling I knew who it was. I was going to pay that person a small visit.


I stopped the car and got out. If am not wrong and Tifanny was actually the one who did this, so God help me with her. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. When she did she seemed startled to see me.

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