🥀Chapter Fifty Four🥀

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I couldn't breathe. There was this terrible pain in my chest preventing me from getting the oxygen I needed. They say things happened unexpected and falling in love with Mordechai wasn't something I planned for. Now I knew I did but that wasn't the tough part, pulling away was. It was such a tough thing to do because I knew I had hurt him.

His father would never accept me and worst he knew about my past. After I got a call from Alexa I felt content because I haven't heard from her in so long. You could hear the sadness in her voice and sometimes I wondered if she wanted to run away with me from day one but was too scared.

Then Mordechai called and I felt messed up about the whole situation. I have no regrets about sleeping with him or falling for him. I just wish things were different but reality was what it was. I laid on my side as I overthink everything. Say we both decided to fight and be in a relationship, his father would despise me to the bone. And then he would be disappointed in Mordechai.

I couldn't let that happen. I wasn't a selfish person.

There were a few tears but I wiped them. I've been through alot; more than what any human being could handle. I brought this upon myself. I groaned out because I couldn't stand being in my head. There was a severe headache coming on and there was no stopping it.

There was a faint sound of footsteps coming closer towards the door. I sat up on the bed and wiped my face because I didn't want Devin to notice anything. I wasn't ready to talk about this right now. There was a knock before the door was opened and in stepped the one man I wasn't expecting.


He came in, gun in hand before locking the door. I could feel my heart ready to leap from my chest. He was serious and I could see the anger in his eyes. He looked around the room before making his way over to my side. I moved off the bed and went to the other side so he couldn't touch me.

"Don't play with me Vanessa!", he shouted glaring at me. I wasn't going to let him touch me.

He started to come around the bed and I tried to reach the other end but he grabbed my legs and pulled me. I screamed as he grabbed my hands and placed them above my head. I tried fighting back but he was too strong.

"Stop!", was all he said as he pointed the gun to my face. I didn't move an inch which made his lips twist into a smirk.

"Get off me Zed! Why can't you leave me be?! Am not coming back!", I shouted before I did the only thing thing could. I kicked him down there which made him groan and I pushed him off. I took that chance and got off the bed before making my way towards the door.


I screamed when a hand grabbed my hair and pulled me back aggressively. The door was slammed shut and when I looked at him I didn't see Zed anymore, I saw a monster.

"You have angered me for the last damn time Vanessa. Stop fucking with me!", he yelled before pushing me on the bed. I stayed still as I felt my heart race rising every second that went by. His gun was still in his hand and finger was on the trigger. I knew Zed had no remorse and I wasn't ready to die yet.

"I don't know why after all these years you still want me back. I didn't want that life anymore that's why I left", I say as I sat up slowly. My eyes didn't leave his because I didn't trust him.

"You ran away from me Vanessa; after all I did for you. You and Alexa were making me the most money but you didn't see that did you? From the day I took you in you became mine and I don't let go off what's mine that easily. So you're going to pack your things and am taking you back".

I stayed still in my spot wondering what I could do to escape this. I'm not going with him, I couldn't. Mordechai crossed my mind and I felt a scorching pain ran through my chest. I only wanted him. I wanted him to hold me and touch me like he always did. I wanted to be his.

"Please Zed I don't want to go back! I can't I've built so much here and I have a job and-", I started to plea but he only laughed. It wasn't a content laugh more like a sadistic one.

"I see...you don't want to leave your boyfriend huh? There's no life for you here Vanessa. A little birdie told me that his parents aren't very fond of you. You can't be with him so eliminating those feelings is the best Vanessa. I'll always be there for you no matter what; besides Alexa misses you and she wants to see you".

He was trying to get in my head and to be honest it was kind of working. I had no place here. I never belonged in the first place. Stop this Vanessa. I rubbed my head as I tried to stop from thinking negative thoughts.

"I'll never leave you Essa, I just want you back", he said cupping my face with his hands. I felt the tears coming and I didn't try to stop them. He wiped them before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"It's ok love, everything will be alright soon. All of a sudden there was a sharp pain in my neck and I screamed as I pushed him away. I held my neck as my vision started to get blurry.

No, no , no!.

This was not happening. My eyes got heavier and heavier and I found myself laying flat on my back. I felt a pair of hands on my body before there was complete darkness.


My eyes opened and closed for a few seconds before they were fully opened. My body felt like someone had just ran me over with a truck. I slowly got up and looked around. I was in a room and I knew for sure the door was locked. I could hear the faint sounds of laughter and music.

I was back here.

The one place I never thought I'd end up back in. The worst part about it was that we were so far away from the city. After Zed injected me with something I bet he took me to a private jet. There was no escaping. I didn't have to check to see if I could find a window because I knew this room. It was where Zed use to put us when we did something bad or act up.

The door opened seconds later and Alexa came in. She still looked the same from back then; short black hair, blue eyes and a slim figure. When she got closer I noticed the bruise on her face. Being a stripper means getting so much physical damage. What's worse was that some of the damage was permanent.

"Hey, how are you feeling?", she asked as she took a seat beside me. There was so much sadness in her eyes. Alot has happened since I left.

"How should I be feeling Alexa? I'm back at this place", I answered pulling my knees to my chest. This was unreal.

"Am sorry Vanessa, but after you left things changed. Zed was beyond pissed and he wanted you back. I tried to convince him to just let you go but he was so set on getting you back. You're special to him somehow".

I didn't say anything as I looked at her. She was delusional. I wasn't special to Zed anyhow, all he wanted was women who could make him money so he could pay more women. He was sick and I realized that early. I didn't regret leaving him and up to this day I still haven't.

Alexa just can't see that eveyone controls their own life and destiny. I took control of mine and I ran away. I built a life and I...I fell in love. I fell in love with the one man I couldn't have. But I cherished every moment we had; I just wished things were different.

But this was reality and we all have to face it.


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