🥀Chapter Fifty Five🥀

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I stood infront of the mirror just staring at myself. After Alexa left Zed came in and commanded me to take a shower and get dressed. I was now standing infront of the mirror in nothing but a Strawberry lingerie. I knew what was in store for me and I had no idea how to stop it. My eyes were sad and my face was pale.

I miss Mordechai. I missed my freedom. I missed everything. I looked around the room as I pulled my hair in frustration. I tried to figure out a way to escape but where would I go? I have no money and all I had was a small suitcase of clothes. I didn't even have my phone.

The door opened and Zed came in. He was dressed in casual jeans and a short sleeved shirt that showed off all his tattoos. He looked at me as if I was some prize he has just won.

"Beautiful. Your client for tonight is a very special one and he wants all night with you. Let's go love", he said sticking his hand out for me to take it. When I didn't his face turned serious.

"Vanessa, you're testing my patience. Am still mad at you for what you did and am sure you don't want me to unleash that anger because you know I will".

I walked as slowly as I could before taking his cold, rough hand. He pulled me out the door into the main hallway. As I followed after him I tried to ignore all the sounds: music, laughter and sex. The room doors were all shut which meant that they were occupied. I remember it all.

He pulled into the 'Shades of Red' room and pushed me unto the bed. I've been here only once before and it was when Franco had physically abused me. It was a small room with all the sex toys you could think of and a pole was planted in the center around a small seated area. The inside had a fragrance of sex that was meant to get you in the mood.

"I want you to stay here, your client will be arriving soon. And if you try anything, I won't hesitate to shoot you and have your body be dumped in the sea. Don't fuck with me".

And with that he walked out and closed the door. I was frustrated because I had no idea what to do. I didn't doubt his intention to kill me if I tried anything. He was that dangerous.

I went to the door and tried it but as I expected it was locked. I heard some distant talking so I placed my ear on the door. I couldn't make out what they were saying but they were coming this way. When they got closer I recognized Zed's voice but the other person I didn't know. The voice sounded rough and slightly familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I stepped away and went back on the bed. I went to the far end and waited for whoever it was. A few more seconds passed before the door was opened and thats when I felt my heart sink. He stood there with the most sadistic smirk I've ever seen.


He locked the door and started taking off his jacket. I should've known something was off when Zed said 'special client'. I stood up and went to the furtherest corner in the room. I crossed my arms over myself as I glared at him.

"Hi Vanessa, it's been a while hasn't it?", he stated before he started pulling his belt. There was no fucking way he was touching me. He was insane if he thought I was gonna let him.

"Stay away from me Franco!", I shouted but he only laughed.

"I would but...you're mine for the night. I've been waiting for this for a long time Vanessa. I've always wanted to have you on your knees, on your back and on top of me. If you only knew how I fantasized about the first time I saw you. I want to touch you so bad".

He was sick. I didn't say anything else as I squeezed myself in the corner. I felt sad, weak and helpless. I could only fight for so long before my body gave up. He took off his shirt and started to come towards me. When he was close enough he grabbed my neck roughly and pulled me.

"Mmmm", I groaned as I felt as if I was losing oxygen. I was pushed unto the bed face first before he climbed on top trapping me in this position.

"Please, no", I cried out when he pulled my hands behind me and started to tie them. I laid there as the tears fell. There was nothing I could do. I closed my eyes when he started to tear the lingerie that I was in. He pulled it off my body revealing my under garments.

"The things am gonna do to you baby, you can't even imagine. You think Mordechai can fuck you better than me?", he whispered sickly in my ear.

Yes, I thought but didn't say anything. I was too numb to speak. I was no stranger to being used but this was different. I didn't want to be touched by anyone but Chai. I didn't want Franco to even lay a finger on my body.

I closed my eyes tight when I felt a sting on one my cheeks. He slapped me so hard that the burn stayed longer than it should've. I bit my lip as I tried to muffle my sounds. This was not happening. Why does life have to be this messed up? What did I do to deserve this?!.

His hand went under my belly and he pulled me off the bed. He had his hand at my throat as he pushed me unto the table that was in the room. My face was pressed against the cold, hard wood.

"This is too easy for you", he said before untying my hands only to turn me around and tie them over my head. I tried kicking but he held my legs and tied them apart. I was now exposed to him. I started to have flashbacks of when I was used in this manner. The things those rich men did to me, it was only imaginable.

"You look good like this but only one problem, these are in the way".

He ripped my undergarments off and that's when more tears fell. I didn't want to see him or that evil smile on his face so I closed my eyes. All I wanted was to be back in the city at my home or at Mordechai's. Even if he somehow knew I was taken, there was no way of finding me. I couldn't get a phone to call and there was no trace left on where I would be going.

"Remember when I left this scar on you; remember how it felt when the cigar burned your skin".

I opened my eyes slowly as I gave him the most hatred expression I could. His fingers grazed over my skin before going between my legs. I clenched my jaw as I held back any sounds that would've came out. He was stupid if he thought I was going to give him satisfaction by moaning.

"No matter what you do to me I'll never forget the best sex I've got was with Mordechai. The way he touched me, kissed me and made me moan. The way we rocked the bed as our bodies rub against each other. There was no way you can please me better than him", I say my eyes tot leaving his. I could see the anger in his eyes but I don't regret a word I said.

"And you really think, that am only spending one night with you? You're the crazy one Vanessa. I already payed Zed to have you for myself as long as I wanted.

"W what?", I asked my voice cracking slightly. What was he talking about?

"After am done with you, I'm taking you home with me. You're mine now. Zed doesn't want you anymore so he sold you to me. From now on you should call me daddy, don't you think?".

"You're not serious", I say but I knew he was. Zed was the worst human being I've ever met.

"I am love, you're mine from now on".

My life got a whole lot worst. Maybe dying was the easy way out. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore all these feelings. I just hoped that somewhere out there mordechai was searching for me. And I hoped there was a clue to where I was.


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