the first i love you

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i know im in love with you because
i dont feel like i need to suck my belly in when im with you
you see my stretch marks as waves in a peaceful ocean
you kiss me like i could break
i could, surely
i can talk loudly when you are around
you have those moles i could count forever
you smell like home
in my dreams you look the same
not a better version of yourself
you're the definition of perfect
with all your flaws
You get messy angry too quick
You're too warm to sleep with
You talk when we watch a movie

i know i love you but i wont say it to your face
i know i couldn't love you less
i know i love you bigger than space
i love you and no one else <3

the girl i wrote this for actually hates me lol

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 13, 2023 ⏰

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