Chapter 3- What Are You Running From Nookie?

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"Hey Isabelle," Tom began, furiously stomping into resident services, "Mind adding something to the morning announcements for me?"

"What is it Mr. Nook?" Isabelle asked, organizing her paperwork. Despite her many protests, her pile was always significantly smaller than that of Tom's.

"Tell the islanders to stay away from the picnic lookout," he grumbled, "Tell them if they see a fox, chase him off the island. In fact, tell them to just stop going out for a day. No buying art, no buying trinkets, no supporting that no good halfwit."

"Sir," Isabelle began, trying to calm Tom in his long ramble, "Don't you think that's a bit much? I mean, he's not blocking traffic. People are still going about and we're still getting visitors, speaking of which, I ought to announce that Flick's here. RanbowKng gets upset when they aren't made aware that he's here."

"You know almost as well as me what he's done Izzy," it's not a nickname Tom used often, only when he got extremely upset.

"Fine Thomas Nook," she teasingly retorted, "I'll announce to be careful of scams, but won't shut down his business. You haven't seen him in forever, and the only way to make things better is to communicate."

Tom laughed, he practically screamed as the laugh bellowed across the walls from his gut. The lack of even so much as a chuckle from Isabelle wasn't enough to stop him, "Communicate? With Redd? Paha! Good one Isabelle! No, I will not be doing that."

"Think about it," Isabelle stated, "You know Tex, Rex, and Stinky? The three of them are dating."

"Good for them, what does this have to do with me?" Tom crossed his arms as he walked behind the counter of resident services.

"Well, when Rex and Tex found out that Stinky had liked both of them, there was a bit of animosity between the two," Isabelle began, "They found it hard to be in the same room as each other because they didn't even want to think about it. Stinky couldn't handle the thought of the two of them not liking each other and decided enough was enough. When both went to confide in Stinky about the other, he locked them in a room and the two were forced to communicate. Turns out, they had a lot to say to each other, and after realizing just how much they had in common, began to like each other as well!"

"That's great," Tom said nonchalantly, making a mental note not to be around Redd, Isabelle, and an empty room with a lock at the same time, "What does this have to do with the absolute lying thief loitering on my island?"

"Well, the three are dating now, as I've said," Isabelle said, "And it proved that communicating, even when it seems impossible, is effective. Look, RanbowKng even sent me some pictures they stole from their first date together!"

"The rep did what now?" Tom asked.

"Maybe you and Redd could try doing that?" Isabelle suggested, completely avoiding the question, "Setting aside what pushes you two apart and just talking about feelings and whatnot?"

"As much as I appreciate the advice, i don't think I could even look him in the eyes," Tom sighed, "I know it sounds petty, especially since it was so long ago, but I could never, ever forgive what he did. The scars are permanent and serve as a warning. When did you start siding with him anyways?"

"Oh that!" Isabelle nervously scratched the back of her head, "Well you know me! Always trying to find a peaceful middle grounds!"

"That piece of paper in your pocket that has 'Free Ice Cream For Life' in your pocket tells a different tale," Tom looked at her in annoyance, "And the messy handwriting that looks like a chicken was thrown into a tornado points to exactly who it's from."

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