Step One: Embarrass Yourself

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"Alex!" I heard my mum call up the stairs, "Will you take Luna for a walk please?"

I groaned, I HATED walking the dog. Especially when it had just rained, because for some reason I just hate the smell of outside after it had rained. Don't get me wrong I love my amazing Border Collie, just not the part that caused her to need exercise.

Slowly, I took my earphones out of my ears, pocketed my IPod and got off my bed. After I had slumped down the stairs, I picked up the dog lead and opened the door while Luna skipped out. She didn't actually need the lead but we always took it just in case.

After about 15 minutes of walking aimlessly, I ended up at my neighbourhood park. I decided to sit on a swing and let Luna rome free. About 3 minutes later she came bounding back, followed by a little girl. She was very small and had cute little bows in her flowing brown hair. Her face looked familiar, though I couldn't remember where I had seem it before, that was until I spotted Max.

Max Chambers.

The Max Chambers

The most popular boy at my school.

And also the baddest.

She must be his sister! Oh no, his sister was playing with my dog, which means he's probably going to talk to me, I hate talking to popular people! And I know for a fact that Max is extremely arrogant and flirty. I'll just pretend he's a normal person... Not that I'm racist about popular people or anything, but they are stereotypically rude and annoying. 

"Sorry about her, she loves dogs." He laughed, I was surprised with how normal he sounds. He was being polite, and normal, and... not rude.

"Uh... I-It's um, it's okay." I stammered, frowning at the smirk on his face.

"I know I'm unbelievably hot, but most people at least try and act cool." Okay so maybe I was wrong, he was arrogant.

"No, you're not." I lied. He really was, I saw his smirk falter a bit. 

"Is that so? What's your name?" He stepped closer to me. I began to get worried, was he making a move one me?

"Alex... Uh, Alex Brown." I stepped back, causing me to trip over the swing I had once been sitting on, and landing, butt first, in the mud. I sat there for a few seconds, shocked. I could hear Max laughing at me, so I stood up, attempting to wipe some of the mud off my butt. 

At that moment, Luna decided to come hurtling towards me, knocking me over,

"Falling at my feet huh? You really should be more subtle." He held his hand out to help me up, I took it and he hauled me up. "So Alex Brown... Alex Brown? I've heard of you, and you look familiar. Do you go to my school?" He's heard of me! From who? What did they say? Was it bad?

"Uh... Yeah." I replied simply.

"Oh! Alex Brown! Jack's sister?" Realisation hit his face. 

"Uh... Yeah." I repeated.

"Anyway, see you around Alex Brown..." And with this he called over his sister and walked off. But no sooner than they were out of my sight did my IPod get a notification. Facebook.


I though for a few seconds before I declined it. I realised that if I talked to this boy again my head would probably explode from his rudeness.

I started to make my way back home when my a IPod made another noise. I pulled it out to check it, sighing.


I once again declined.

I carried on walking until I heard my phone vibrate, expecting it to be my mum I took my time pulling it out of my pocket.



Hey Alex Brown I got your number of your brother and he seemed a bit weirded out... How about accepting my friend request?

I saved his contact, just in case he tried calling me. I re-pocketed my phone and a few minutes later it vibrated again.


Max Chambers

Come on Alex Brown? You know you want to.

I really didn't. So I replied.

I really don't.

Withing seconds he replied.

Why not?

I sighed.

I dont know you.

My phone buzzed even quicker this time.

Yeah you do.

I turned off my phone and walked through the door of my house, Jack was in the living room.

"Alex?" He asked, "Why the hell did Max want your number?"

"I dunno... I just met him at the park, then he left and started texting me. I told him to go away and then turned my phone off." I shrugged sitting next to him.

"Okay, well just don't get involved with him, he might be my mate but I know what he's like so just don't let him get to you, okay?" Jack seemed genuinely concerned, it annoyed me.

"I can handle myself! Okay Jack?" He looked slightly taken aback.

"Okay, sorry... He's coming round later anyway so it doesn't matter." I think my head blew up when he said this.

"WHAT? MAX CHAMBERS IN MY HOUSE! NO WAY!" I screamed at him.

"He's been here loads of times... Chill." Jack put his hands up, defensively.

I stormed up to my room. I know it was probably an overreaction, but I really hated Max Chambers. He was fine when he was being all nice with the first thing he said, but then he runied it by being all arrogant and egoistic!

I sat on my bed listening to my IPod until I hear people talking downstairs.

"It was hilarious!" It was defiantly Max, "She just fell over the swing, right into the mud!" I heard him and my brother laughing about it. I could hear them coming up the stairs, I kne they were going to tease me to no end so I braced myself, ready for it.

Hey guys! Did you like it? I dont know if I'm going to continue, I probably will if I get some votes and comments, so please do those things..? The picture on the right is Max, played by Dan Howell:P So  see you next chapter if there is one! Bye!


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