Chapter Four

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I'm getting ready for the meeting with the head of St Mungos when an owl swoops into the room. It drops a letter and flies off. 

Dear Hermione, I'm really sorry. I want to see our child. Come to my house in the countryside at 7 PM tonight. I can't wait to meet him. -Draco Malfoy

I sigh, I don't want to see Draco again, but if I don't come he could take legal action and steal Leo away from me. Hopefully allowing him to see Leo will be enough to placate him. 

"Mia! Come on! We have like 5 minutes to be there!" Kelly calls. 

I fasten my earrings, made out of clay by Cassidy, and walk into the entrance hall. 

Cassidy and Leo hug me. 

"Be good munchkins." I tell them, and I grab Michelle's arm to apparate away. 

We reappear in the office of St Mungo's head, Luna and the Head already sitting there. We take our seats and he clears his throat. 

"Miss. Granger, I have heard from Miss. Lovegood that you are interested in expanding your bakery, and one of the locations you would like to expand to is St Mungos." He asks. 

"Yes, Mr?" 

"Mr. Finnigan. Well, go ahead and present your case." 


The meeting went amazing! I gave him some samples and he agreed that they were delicious, and we even had some patients and staff sample and they agreed it was the best thing they'd ever tasted! He gave us approval to start building! The only bad part of the meeting is when I had to hide in a room full of dirty bedpans so Draco wouldn't see me, because I didn't want to talk to him and he would want to start a conversation. 

"Cassidy, Leo! Come to Mommy's room please." 

We have an hour before we have to meet Draco, and I want to make sure they look their best, or he might accuse me of not properly caring for Leo. I know Cassidy isn't Draco daughter, but I can't just take Leo, she would be devastated. 

"Yes Momma?" They ask in unison. 

"Leo, Cass. Leo's daddy asked to see him. So I'm going to take you to eat dinner at his house." I tell them. 

Cassidy's lip quivered, "What if he's mean to me because I'm not his baby?" 

Leo hugs her, "I thought he was mean to you mommy? And I don't want to meet him if he's mean to Cassidy!" 

"Baby, I'm sorry but we have to meet him. Or he will take you away from me." I tell Leo gently. 

"Okay Mommy. I will meet him, for you." Leo declares. 

"Me too mommy!" 

I hug them both, "What would I do without my precious babies?"

The next hour is me running around and wrestling Leo into his favorite sweater and jeans, and Cassidy into her sweater and overall dress. Once they all have their clothes and shoes on, hair brushed and styled, I finally pull on my outfit. I wear a simple sweater dress, in red, since Christmas is in two weeks and it's bloody cold. I slip my feet into a pair of high heeled boots and warm socks, knowing I'll take the boots off pretty fast, Draco doesn't like shoes in the house. I put on my earrings, a necklace that Draco gave me, I always wear it, and put my hair up into an a bun of soft curls. 

"I hope it goes okay." Amanda whispers in my ear as she, Kelly, and Michelle hug me goodbye. I nod in thanks. 

I apparate the kids to Draco's cozy house in the English Countryside. 

I knock on the door and it swings open to reveal a very frazzled looking Draco in a nice button down and crisp jeans. 

"Hello Hermione." He says a little breathlessly. He straightens up and glances down at the kids. 

"Why are there two? I  thought you said I just had a son?" He asks confused. 

I ignore his questions, instead introducing the kids, "This is your son Leo Malfoy, and this is his twin sister, Cassidy Weasley. I gave them the last names of their father's, but only so they can claim pureblood parentage." 

"Did you cheat on me with Weasley?" He hisses so that the kids can't hear, "And who's baby is it?" 

"No, I didn't cheat on you, I got pregnant with Cassidy after you dumped me. She's Ronald's child. He R worded me," I glance at the kids, "not that it's any of your business." 

He frowns, "I just wanted to make sure. You said they were twins, that's very suspicious. I'm sorry that he did that to you. He's a disgusting arse." 

"You're talking about my daddy right?" Cassy asks. 

I decide to change the subject, "Are you going to invite us in?" 

"Oh, um yeah." He jumps a little, opening the door wider, "Come in." 

We walk inside and I remember visiting this house for a few days with Draco. It never looked so lived in so he must have sold his flat and moved in here instead. 

He leads us into the living room where two boys sit, one looking around a few years older than the twin's, and the other looking to be about a few years younger. 

Draco turns off the television, I remember when I first showed him one, he was enthralled immediately. 

"Boys, this is my son Leo Malfoy, and his twin sister, Cassidy Weasley." Draco tells them. 

"Hullo." The older boy says, glowering, and his hair turns a deep navy blue. 

"Hi!" The younger boy says excitedly, waving. 

"Leo, Cassidy, Hermione, this is my first cousin once removed Edward "Teddy" Lupin. I take care of him, the Ministry thought it better I care for him after Andromeda died, instead of Harry, for whatever reason. I didn't mind, I love Teddy like my son. And this is my son from my previous marriage with Astoria Greengrass. She divorced me to marry her lover when Hyperion was only 2. We're a little family, and we welcome you with open arms." Draco proudly exclaims. 

I fling myself on the couch, taking my shoes off and using magic to place them next to Draco's on the floor. "So, how old are they?" 

Draco grins at me, "Teddy's 8 and Ry is 4." 

I pull both of them into a hug. "It's so nice to meet both of you!" 

I let them go and wave Leo and Cass over. "This is my son Leo, he's very shy. And this is my daughter Cassidy." 

Leo waves shyly, but Cass sticks her hand out boldly. 

"Hi! My name is Cassidy Weasley. My dad is named Ronald Weasley but my mom says he's arse so I've never met him. I bet he hates art, all art haters are jerks." 

Teddy looks stunned, and Hyperion looks happy that someone is talking to him. 

"Do you guys have any nicknames? My mom calls me Cass, Cassidy is a bit of a mouthful, but some people call me Cassy." Cassidy babbles on. She's a talker that one. 

"Everyone calls me Teddy, and dad and me call Hyperion Ry." Teddy tells her and she smiles. 

"Thank the stars, Hyperion and Edward are such mouthfuls too. Leo is lucky, he doesn't need a nickname. The only time anyone calls him something that's not Leo, it's mom when she's feeling particularly lazy. Then she calls him Lee." Cassidy confides. 

I blush, "That is not true! Do not trust that child!" I tell everyone in the room. 

Leo give me a look, "It's true and you know mommy. Also, do you have any books?" He asks Draco. 

Draco smiles and scoops him up. "Why don't you 3 go play in Ry's room?" He suggests to the others and they bound off. 

"Your very much like your mother." He tells Leo.

"I know." Is his simple reply.

"A man of many words I see." And I get the first of the many laughs I will have tonight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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