Please Don't.. (Phan)

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Dan threw his phone down onto his bed and fell onto it, burying his face in the soft red love heart shaped pillow Phil had gotten him days before. The room smelled of ramen and Lynx, signs that Phil had been in there recently. The hazel eyed boy sobbed loudly, letting his shoulders roll as the tears ran down his sallow cheeks.

After at least 45 minutes of crying, Dan wiped his face and looked around for something he could use. Then he saw the black and yellow screwdriver lying under his desk. Grabbing his coat and tying his shoes up, he sprinted down the stairs of the block of flats he and Phil had been living in for the past few years. He walked calmly down the grey pathway until he came to the small stationary shop where he had bought his pens and erasers when he was in school. He pushed the red door open and looked around for a moment. Finding what he was looking for, he picked up five of the multi-coloured cylinders.

"What are all these for?" The old lady asked from behind the till, watching Dan's Adam's Apple as it danced around his throat due to the nervous swallow he'd come out with as he placed them on the flat wood surface.

"Er, coursework. I lose them all the time." he lied.

"Well, alright then. £7.50 please."

He handed over a tenner, adding that she could keep the change. He walked back to the flats, fumbling at the door with the small key he was constantly losing. He finally unlocked the large door, throwing his coat onto the floor and kicking his shoes off, he strolled back to his room and set off about his plan with the door firmly shut.

He took out the small screwdriver and placed it on the bed. Then, one by one, he unscrewed what he had bought in the small shop.

Pencil sharpeners.

He left the blades in a small pile to the right as he unscrewed the last one, the tears rolling down his face. As he was rolling up his sleeves and wondering which wrist first, his phone vibrated.

It was Phil.

He ignored the phone and turned it off, not wanting to take his mind off this. He pressed the first blade against his wrist, and dragged it across his sallow flesh.

An hour later. 28 missed calls from Phil. Blood drying on both arms. Dan lay there, with small pools of blood beside either arm.

Ten minutes after he'd passed out due to bloodloss, Phil jammed his key into the door. Shoving all of his weight onto Dan's bedroom cover and staring at his lifeless body on the white duvet, he let out a little screechy whimper. He walked towards Dan and sat beside him, holding his head in one hand and checking his arms with the other.

"Oh god Dan.. I'm sorry," He murmured, tears streaming out of his blue eyes and onto his pale cheeks. "Please don't.."


I know it wasn't great but whatever. c: Hope you enjoyed! I know it's a bit dark, but it gets better I promise.

Bimbar x

Please Don't.. (Phan)Where stories live. Discover now