The Wolf Within: Chapter 1

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Ava's POV

I was sitting in the RV in my wolf form while listening as Negan made his speech outside to the people on their knees. The Saviors had finally found the ones who attacked our outpost and killed a lot of our people, and now Negan was going to punish them for what they've done.

Your probably confused right now, so let me try and explain some things real quick. Hi, my name is Ava and I'm a werwolf. Yes, they are real and yes, I am one. I'm 18 years old and I've never met my parents. I believe my mother died after giving birth to me and I'm pretty sure my father got killed because he had done some very bad things in his life.

I don't remember much from when I was younger besides that I was alone. I don't know the place I stayed, the people who knew about me, or anything other then the fact that I needed to get away from wherever that place was.

After I escaped, I stayed by myself. I was probably around 8 or so when I found a way out of there, and I ran. I ran until I couldn't anymore, I ran until my body literally had collapsed under my feet. When I woke up, I was laying in the woods, the same place I had passed out at, only difference is that it was completely dark outside, the only light was the moon.

I remember finding my way through the pitch black woods and into a town. I don't remember the name of the town, but I remember that it was small and quite. The only thing that was open at that time because it was so late, was things like a gas station, a cheep hotel, a 24 hour club and a cigarette store.

I remember going to the hotel because on the sign it said something about having a place to stay, and of course my 8 year old self was looking for somewhere to rest other then on the ground. I'm not sure how I did it, or maybe it was just the woman at the front desk feeling sorry for the little girl, but somehow I managed to get a room for myself that night without having to pay.

Looking back now, I have no idea why that woman didn't call the police or someone about a little girl showing up with nobody with her and nowhere to stay. Anyway, I left the next day and continued walking, not exactly sure where but I had a feeling that I just needed to keep going.

I continued on like that for a few years, on my own going place to place to stay and just kept going forward, not even knowing where I was going. When I was about 12, I remember running into a bad looking run down town. It was night time, so that made it even more creepy. I still remember hearing police sirens in the distances and the loud music outside of the few different bars that was open. There was shattered glass on the road from where people had broken into vehicles and stolen their belongings. Some of the stores looked like they had been closed down because of broken windows and vandalism that was done to them.

I remembered as I walked down the street of the town seeing people sitting on the sidewalk out side of the bars throwing up, and others trading money for drugs. There was also fights going on between a few mean looking men, like full on fist fight to the death kinda fights.

I knew I was in a very bad part of this town and had to get away from there, so I began walking faster passed all the drama going on and put my focus on just getting the hell out of there.

I remember that night so clearly, more then I want to remember, and I'll tell you why here in just a second.

As I walked further and further away from all them people, and into the more dark parts because I was headed away from all the brightly colored lights from the bars, my 12 year old self realized that I wasn't alone.

Now I forgot to mention, I never knew what I was until I got older, but I've always known I was different then other people. I could hear really good and could see decently in the dark, unlike others could. I had pretty good reflexes and could run super fast for my age, and I could always sense when something was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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