08 | kon'yaku

44 13 38

       THAT EVENING WAS spent at the local convenience store or the konbini as they like to call it for tonight's dinner party. Louanne was overall thrilled to go to her first one since her aunt Iolana's wedding but that was only when she was a lot younger then. It was just her and Jiji Naoki shopping while Sobo Chō stayed home to cook. 

        Louanne wandered around the store for a bit, exploring the area to what might interest her. She was about to round the corner until she was met with a pair of familiar chocolate brown eyes, their faces almost three inches away. He sported a blue striped polo-like shirt and brown bell bottom pants.

       "Oh! You scared me there!" Louanne jumped back, "are you sure you're not following me or something? Because that's creepy!"

      Blushing red, Kohei looked down at his sneakers but had to make somewhat of an exchange. "I'm not! I'm not! Actually, my mom sent me to do a little shopping for tonight to make sure that the night was perfect," he looked off to the side, almost disinterested.

     "For your brother, Haru, yes?"

      "Yes, how did you know that-"

      "My grandmother. I've never been to a dinner party, let alone an engagement party before but I bet they must be exciting," Louanne said, unaware of her oversharing and granted it's becoming a reaction to very awkward situations like this. 

      However, Kohei didn't seem to mind and she could've sworn that he smiled for a second but his eyes drew closer to the floral designs on her arms. When she cleared her throat, hoping that it would snap him out of it, Kohei corrected himself as he shook his head.

      "Sorry! I blacked out for a second but I hope that tonight will be a wonderful experience for you," Kohei grinned sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

      "That's okay! My-"

      "Louanne, it's time to go!" Jiji Naoki called out before she could finish her sentence.

       Louanne shrugged her shoulders with an uncomfortable smile. "I guess I'll see you tonight!" She waved goodbye as she exited the store with her grandfather while Kohei waved back at her with a bashful grin plastered on his face. 

       It was another encounter that she thought could be better if her heart wasn't pounding her chest like crazy, she was immediately struck by cupid's arrow. Jiji didn't say anything on the matter except that he was pleased to know that his granddaughter found someone she could probably relate to.

       Someone like her.

       The night was soon to draw near and all Louanne could ever think of doing at this point was to get out of the house and walk. It didn't matter where she wanted to go, she still wanted some air to clear her head. Anything to get her mind off of Kohei. 

        It's not that she didn't like being around her newfound grandparents, in fact, she was starting to love them with all her heart since they had shown her kindness the day she arrived in Tokyo. She wanted to go outside and take every single picture of the city and stick it inside her scrapbook, to capture her perfect summer.


         It doesn't seem like a big party where the whole city is invited, it was practically the neighborhood and it was just next door. Louanne felt a little uneasy when she saw a couple of women dressed in colorful kimonos and others didn't. The decorated golden light was strung up over the back of the house and the smell of the food floating toward the entrance seemed to be enticing. It's been a couple of days since she first came to Japan and she had already fallen in love with the food.

        "Chō! Naoki! I'm so glad that you can make it!" a woman greeted them at the front door then peeked over their shoulders, "who is this you've brought with you?"

        Sobo Chō laughed. "Oh, Aimi-kun! Do you remember our son, Jiro?"

       "It's been such a long time since I've seen him," the woman replied.

       "Well, this young lady is his daughter, Louanne, and she came all the way from Hawai'i!"

       "From Hawai'i? Well, it is very nice to meet you, Louanne!" the woman smiled, "your father and I nearly grew up together ages ago."

       "I-is that a fact?" Louanne chuckled nervously.

      "Every word. I still remember him as the same kid back in high school who was running through the hall, papers flying everywhere because he was late to his class," the woman laughed, "if you don't already know by now, I'm Aimi Isa and I hope you enjoy the rest of evening here,"

       When they made it through the back door, the patio was covered in pink and purple flowers in certain places. There was a cobblestone path leading up to where they entered. Louanne almost jumped when she saw a few koi fish swimming by in the small sparkling pond over yonder.

     Louanne felt her stomach growling when the smell hit her once she had taken a seat at the dinner table next to her grandparents, a variety of food lined up in an orderly fashion like it was a homemade buffet and it was laid out in front of her. Licking her lips, Louanne filled her plate with foods that came to her interest until it was almost overlapping.

     "Slow down, Louanne, or else you're going to have an upset tummy tonight," Sobo Chō protested, stopping her from shoving a fork full of food into her mouth. "Plus, it's a bit uncouth."

      Louanne swallowed what remaining bits she had and corrected herself. "I'm sorry, Sobo!"

      The old woman chuckled.

       Soon as everyone was settled into the party, a man with a lean figure stood up from the front of the long dinner table, lightly tapping a fork against his champagne glass and gaining the guests' attention.

      "Excuse me, may I have everyone's attention, please? Now, I would like to start by saying thank you to those for coming out on this wonderful occasion," the young man turned toward Ms. Isa and bowed, "I'd also like to thank my family, my mother especially for taking the time out of her day to arrange all of this." He then turned pointedly to Kohei who stared blankly at his food, disinterested. "To my oh-so little brother for just being my little pain in the ass since you were five."

        Kohei however rolled his eyes at Haru's snide remark as he looks at a woman who was sitting quietly next to him in bright-colored make-up. Haru carefully grabbed her hand before he spoke to her.

       "Rei, there's no doubt that you are indeed the love of my life. You're the one that I was meant for and I would love for our tomorrow to begin with us," he pulled a little black box from his pocket and opened it, initiating a loud gasp from her, "My love, I would trade my whole life if it's to make you happy and to see you smile. So, would you let me have the honor of taking your hand in marriage?" Haru asked.

        Although the woman was too stunned to speak it didn't take her long to answer as well.

       "Oh, Haru! Yes! Yes! Thousand times yes! I'll marry you!" she squealed as she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

       The crowd was lifted in an uproar of applause and whistles once he had slid the ring onto her finger.

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