The Petals of the BlueMoon

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You wake me up in the dead of the night,

Must think I am mysterious,

For only coming out at midnight,

But on the contrary, I hold,

All the dreams behind your,

Wings and I know it may,

Be impossible to guess that all of,

Your dreams are held by rose petals.

But the moon is my love too, he sings me,

Kisses as I fall asleep, and even though,

I was never much of a romancer,

when it came to midnight dream,

Shenanigans I still knew that he,

Was special to me it was almost as,

If I had lost my butterfly wings and,

Turned them into rose petals.

If only I could touch the skin,

That loved me more,

And made me friendship bracelets,

From the store,

But his only gift to me was an,

Amulet he called the lock of love,

That was enchanted by my heart,

And one voice called out my name,

And I was his Juliet and he was,

My Romeo,

But to me he will always be my,

HighSchool sweetheart.

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