Chapter 7

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POV: Nameless ghoulette Night

Another day, another ritual. We were still on our way to the next city and I'm very bored. I got up from my bed and walked to the guys bedroom on the tour bus. I sat down on one of the beds and looked around the room. The room was quite clean. "Hi!" Rain said to me "Heyy!" I went to hug him. "When we get to our hotel do you want to go to the shopping mall with me?" I asked him "Sure!"

We finally arrived at our Hotel and we got our stuff in our hotel rooms. "Are you ready to go?" Rain asked me "Yes I'm ready." I took my wallet and my phone with me. "What do you even need at the mall?" He asked me. "I want to get a gift for everyone." I looked at him "Oh okay what are you thinking of getting?" He asked me "I was thinking a hoodie maybe." I said "That would be nice." He said happily "Yeah." I said back and we kept walking.

We walked into the shopping mall and I saw a small shop. "Can we go in there?" I pointed to the small shop and asked Rain. "I mean why not." After he said that we started to walk to the store. We walked in and I liked the atmosphere. It was a dark but beautiful store. I walked where the hoodies were and picked up one black hoodie. On the hoodie it said 'As above, so below; as within, so without; like the mind, like the body' on the left side of the chest. I looked over at Rain while still holding the hoodie in the air. "We are getting this." He scanned the hoodie with his eyes and said "it's perfect! We always do the sigh." "I know right." I said to him. I pick up 9 hoodies in the sizes that we need. "I think the ghouls will love it." I said it to him "Yeah they will." We laughed and went to the cashier. I paid for everything and we made our way back to the hotel.

2 hours before another ritual. I took all the hoodies and sneaked into our green room and placed the hoodies on the couch. I took a polaroid picture of myself and put it on the hoodies. I walked out of our green room like I was never there.

I finally made it to my hotel room and Rain was waiting for me. "Did you put it on the couch?" He asked me. He looked a little nervous. "Yes, don't worry Rain." I walked over to him and hugged him. "We should start to get ready for the ritual." Rain said with a smile. "Yes, we should do that."

Rain and I were walking inside the venue. I was the first one to walk into the green room. As soon as I step foot into the room I got a hug. "Thank you Night!" Aether said while still hugging me tightly. "It's nothing." He let go of the hug and I fully walked into the room. "So are you all ready for the ritual?" I asked to everyone "Yes! Hey, we should take a polaroid picture with the hoodies on." Swiss said it from the other side of the room. "Sure why not." Rain said it while taking a hoodie in his size. We took the photo and started to get ready for the ritual. I walked over to the fire ghoul "Dew we need to do more." I said to him "Whatever you want darling." I looked at him and walked away.

It was finally time to start the ritual. As always I got my guitar and I walked to my side of the stage. Dewdrop started to play and the white curtain dropped. And it all started again. The adrenaline hit me and I am ready for everything.

Everything was going perfectly. It was "From The Pinnacle To The Pit" solo part. Oh satan I love this solo so much. I did it perfectly as always. Dew was next to me doing his own thing. I took my guitar pick and licked it. I turned to Dewdrop and gave him the guitar pick that I just licked. He walked closer to me and whispered in my ear "So you like licking things?" "Oh shut up Dew." I giggled and continued. As the song ended I was breathing very heavily.

The next song is "Mary On A Cross". It was the part of the song that goes like 'you go down just like holy Mary'. Dewdrop walked up next to me and I turned to look at him. I point to the ground and Dewdrop doesn't hesitate to do what I said to do. He gets on his knees in front of me and we stay like that for a second and then I walk away. Well, I didn't know Dew can go down like Mary on a cross.

While Dew and Aether had their little battle Rain and I were just standing next to Mountain and just chilling. Mountain gave me one of his extra drumsticks and I was so confused about what to do with it so I was walking with it in my hand. Before the next song started I walked as close as I can to the fans and gave the drum stick to one kid.

The last song of this ritual is "Cirice". I'm so sad that this is ending. This song is always so fun to play. I don't want this to end.

The song comes to an end and we are throwing the guitar picks and stuff. We need to say goodbye to everyone so I go and stand between Rain and Dewdrop. We all bow down. It all just ended. The ritual went by so fast. I felt someone coming in my way from behind. I felt arms around my waist. I looked at the hands. They are veiny. His hands wrapped around my body like snakes. He whispered in my ear "Wanna hang out sometime?" It was dew "I would like that." I whispered back.

Hey everyone! I hope you like it. I'm trying my best to write as much as I can. I wish you all the best! Love you ❤️

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