the three slytherin boys.

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The next day, you woke up to loud noise coming from the common room, you turned you head, walked out of bed, still in you're pyjamas, you made you way down to the common room.
The loud noise you heard before was, James and Sirius fulling around, you walked closer to them before yelling "CAN YOU TWO PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP, SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SLEEP"

both James and Sirius jumped so high they almost hit the ceiling.
They both turned around and looked at you.

James Potter : we are very sorry Diana.

Sirius Black: Yeahh very sorry.

Diana Evans : it fine guys. Goodnight

Sirius Black and James Potter: Goodnight Evans.

You turned around and made you way to you're room, and walked inside the room, and lay down, on the bed again. You couldnt actually sleep, all you could think about, was that tomorrow was gonna be the first day with classes.

The next day, you woke up to Marlene standing over you're body.

Diana Evans: you scared me there Marlene.

Marlene mckinon: Sorry, but you need to get up.

Diana Evans : its okay, i'm just gonna change in to my robe.

Marlene mckinon: Okay, I wait for you outside, and then we can go way breakfast.

Diana Evans: sure.

You changede in to you're Gryffindor robe, did you're hair, put on a bit of makeup, not to much, you didn't want to make I obvious, that you were wearing makeup.
You took youre shoes on, and walked out to Marlene.

Diana Evans: i'm ready now lets go, I just have one quesion.

Marlene mckinon: just ask.

Diana Evans: Who else is we sharing a Doorn with, I didn't see anyone other than you when I came back yesterday.

Marlene mckinon: Alice Fortescue and Dorcas meadowes.

Diana Evans : okay.

You and marlene counited making you're way to the great Hall, when three boys called out you're name "Diana "

Marlene mckinon: i'm just gonna see you're later Diana.

Diana Evans: Sure.

You actually just wanted to continue walking, so instead you waited for the boys to arrive.

Regulus Black: Hey Evans.

Diana Evans: Hey Black

Regulus Black : Do you wanna hang out with us, buy the great make, when all out classes is finished, the dark haired boy asked, looking at you.

Diana Evans: sure, I meet you there.

You turned around, and walked inside the great Hall, with Regulus, Barty and Evan, walking after you. The whole great Hall turned and looked at you all, you made you're way to the Gryffindor table and the three boys made their ways to the Slytherin table.

Bellatrix Black: well hello there cousin.

Regulus Black: Bellatrix, he said looking down at his shoes

Bellatrix Black: I thought you were teached better, walking around making friends, with mudblood and blood traitors, you're are Disapointing me cousin.

Regulus Black: I chose Who I want to be friends with, and not you, now leave me alone.

They dark haired boy walked away from the tall dark haired girl, Who sat down in silence. Next too her 2 sisters. regulus walked away and sat down, far away from his older cousin.

lucius malfoy: Hello mate, Who is that girl you, Evan and Barty, are so interested in?

Regulus Black: Diana Evans he said.

Severus snape: Lilys sister?

Evan rosier : yeahh, but she is nothing like lily.

Barty Crouch jr: Nahh she is cool.

Regulus Black: But we all know you're having a big Unhealty obession with Lily, right Severus?.

Severus snape: Shut up, Black i'm gonna kill ya.

Regulus: Yeahh Try me.

Severus started to chase Regulus around all over the Slytherin common room.

Barty crouch jr: Can you two please stop that?

Snape and Black: Sorry Crouch jr.

Meanwhile with you in the Gryffindor common room

You and Peter was sitting alone in the Corner of the Gryffindor common room. Remus was in the library like always. Sirius were out trying to Find SoMe girl to ask to the yule ball, which were coming up soon, you didnt have any date, but there was one person you hoped you would ask you.. And James yeahh what was James even doing, probaly something very stupid or maybe he was spying on you're sister again.

Peter pettigrew: Diana?

Diana Evans: yeahh Pete?

Peter pettigrew: What are you doing after classes tomorrow?

Diana Evans: Nothing why?

Peter pettigrew: okay, then meet me at the astronomy Tower , after all the classes.

Diana Evans: okay deal.

He gave you a kiss on the check "Goodnight Diana " and walked up to bed.

Diana Evans: Goodnight pete, you smiled after him.

You sat back, for a while wondering what he wanted to ask you tomorrow.

Thanks for Reading Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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