"baby please listen to me it isn't what it looks like" I pleaded knowing damn well I was lying to Jadens face
"really? Because it looks like you were about to kiss my best friend"
"I wasn't i swear"
"Fuck you." And just like that he walked off.
I woke up to the bright sun peaking through my sisters curtains. I groaned and turned around trying to get comfortable but gave up. I saw Olivia was no longer in here so I figured she was downstairs somewhere. I went to my room and grabbed my phone checking the time. 3:45pm shit. Well Olivia is probably with friends not down stairs. I saw i had a text from Jaden.
Jade👹 Hey Ri, wanna hang out today?
riri😈 Uh sure.
Please don't tell me he's gonna act like it never happened thats like WAY worse. Omfg I hate this sm.
I got ready in a white turtle neck with a sweat shirt, baggy jeans and a mini black purse. I brushed my teeth and did my hair before grabbing my phone and texting him "I'm ready:))" he simply replied with "otw". Damn okay. I put a piece of gum in my mouth while listening to music in my AirPods and dancing around the kitchen.
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My phone dings as I'm eating a bagel and listening to "apocalypse" by cigarettes after sex. "Im here" "ok coming" I slid on my air forces and walked to his car. I opened the door and then the feeling of embarrassment followed. "Jayla?"
"We need to talk about last night" Nope nu uh not happening. "No." I said shutting the door and walking to my house. She runs up behind me tho. "Come on you cant be like that" "yes i can okay" "why did you reject him?" "Because I'm only gonna break his heart and after what happened with Ava I just cant okay" My eyes got teary as i slammed the door. I slid down it trying to blink away my tears so i wouldn't ruin my makeup. Fuck it. I started to sob and I curled up on a ball on the floor until sleep over took me.
I woke up to me being in my room and I heard people talking next to me. I turned to see Olivia mom and dad talking. "Hey" my voice was raspy almost gone completely. "Aw sweets your up" my mom said rubbing my cheek. I mumbled a quick mhm. They looked worried but i didn't wanna talk. "I don't wanna talk about it." I said bluntly my parents shook there head and left while Olivia sat down and played with my hair "you know i love you right" i said. "Of course i do. I love you to btw" I chucked and dosed off.
— I woke back up around 5, i went downstairs and looked in the fridge but I didn't wanna eat i just couldn't. I turned around to see Olivia smiling.
"Whatttt" i said. "Wanna go to the mall?" "Um no" "to bad go get dressed" "ughhh" I stormed up the steps before picking out a outfit just some jeans and a cropped tank top. I smiled as i looked in the mirror but soon realized i looked like I've been crying for days i mean i have but thats not an excuse. I groaned as i went to my vanity and put some concealer under my eyes and blended it out. I put on some mascara and eyeliner then grabbed my crocs and left my room with phone in hand.
I went to the car and sat in the passenger seat. "You look cute" "thanks Livy" "your welcome ri" just like that we left the house