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And there she was....

"Daddy!" Cody's daughter, Melody, exclaimed, as she stood in the doorway, giving Cody a very gappy smile from where her baby teeth were starting to fall out. Cody couldn't help but smile at the sight...and also at the fact that it wasn't Sierra on the other side of the door this time. Naturally, like most parents, Cody had a very soft spot for his two children, even if they were adopted, he treated them as his own. Melody made grabby hands at Cody, signalling that she wanted to be picked up. Cody picked her up and twirled her around before hugging her gently. Cody then looked around, a small sense of dread quickly filled his mind.

"Wait.... it's quiet, where's mommy?" Cody asked Melody in a soft voice. Normally whenever Cody would come home, on time, at least, he would be greeted by Sierra's tight embrace and a bombardment of kisses on his face. "Oh, she's hanging out with Cameron again" another voice interjected into the conversation. This time, it was Cody's son, Brody. This caused Cody to sigh audibly. "Again? That's the third time this week" Cody placed his daughter on the couch before plopping down next to her and turning the TV on with the remote that was placed on the arm of the couch. Cody grimaced at how sticky the remote was.

"Cameron's actually a pretty cool guy, dad. He taught me this really neat trick on how to beat that level that caused me to break three of my controllers" Brody said with a smile. This caused Cody's heart to sink slightly. Gaming was his and Brody's thing, and now it felt like he was slowly starting to be....replaced? "But then Cameron started to hurt Mommy" Melody chimed in. This caused Cody to gasp in shock as he looked at Melody in disbelief. "He....what?" "Yeah, he took Mommy upstairs to the bedroom and started hurting her" Cody nodded slowly at Melody's words. "How do you know he was hurting Mommy?" Cody asked. "Because I could hear Mommy scream and telling Cameron to stop over and over again. She also kept calling him 'Daddy'" Melody said all of this with the most innocent smile. Meanwhile, Cody was in a state of shock. Sierra couldn't have done that....right? "I see.....Brody? Do you mind taking Melody upstairs to get her ready for bed?" Cody looked over at Brody. Brody simply nodded, picking up on what had happened. "Of course. C'mon Mel, let's go and get you ready for bed" Melody smiled before kissing Cody's cheek. "Goodnight Daddy!" Melody giggled before following Brody upstairs to the bathroom.

Cody got up and went to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. Cody was still trying to process what his children had implied to be Sierra cheating on him behind his back. How could she do this? Cody had done the best he could to provide for his family and this is the thanks he gets. What Cody wouldn't give for someone to appreciate him. Sure there was Leshawna, but other than that he couldn't think of anyone else who gave a flying feather about him. He wanted someone who actually loved him and only him.

But before Cody could dive into his thoughts anymore, he was interrupted by the opening of the front door and an ever-so-familiar shrill voice. "CODYKINS!" Oh god....she's back. Cody took a deep breath and put on a confident façade. He was finally going to talk to Sierra about their admittedly crumbling relationship. As soon as Cody stepped foot into the living room, Sierra tackled Cody into a hug, Cody, however, didn't react like he normally would, just shoving her off. This caused Sierra to pout. "I don't know why I try with you sometimes, you clearly don't appreciate my love and affection and everything I do for you" Cody's eye began to twitch. That word. Appreciate. That was the word that really got to him. "Anyways, where are the kids?" Sierra asked a now very irked Cody. No response. "Cody? Where. Are. The. Kids?!" Sierra asked again, frustration lacing her words. "I sent them to bed" Cody responded in an icy tone, a tone that Sierra obviously didn't register. The next thing Cody knew, he was pinned to the couch by his arms by Sierra, her 6'3 frame above his 5'5 frame. "Sending the kids to bed early to spend more time alone to make more babies. I like this side of you Codykins~" As Sierra went to pull the zipper of his jeans down, Cody immediately slapped her hand away. Cody had had enough.


This caused Sierra to immediately reassume her position on the couch, while Cody shuffled about until he was sat up. Sierra now looked agitated to say the least. Cody took a long and deep breath. "Look, Sierra. These past nine years has been a mostly positive experience for me. We've adopted two children and have made a great life for ourselves....but I don't think it's working out anymore" This caused Sierra to roll her eyes in annoyance. "Oh I get it, there's someone else isn't there? I bet it's that 'Lefonda' girl you work with. It makes sense why your incompetent and neglectful self has gotten employee of the month eighteen months in a row. You've probably been getting free hand jobs from her, that explains why you're always late home" Sierra rambled on, not noticing that Cody was turned slightly red. Not from embarrassment. From indignation.

"You really want to know why I think this isn't working?" Cody said in a now more assertive tone. "The reason this isn't working out is because you're having trouble staying loyal to me!" Sierra gasped in shock. "That is not true!" Sierra fired back. "Don't lie to me Sierra, Melody caught you calling Cameron 'Daddy' and in our bedroom. Why would you call Cameron that if it wasn't sexual?" Sierra had gone quiet, knowing she had been caught out. "Well....maybe I did sleep with Cameron....but it's not like you're ever home to give me the satisfaction I deserve!" Sierra defended. Cody was left stunned, he was appalled. "How long has this been going on, Sierra?!" Cody asked. "Five months...." Sierra muttered. Cody shook his head with annoyance. "I can't believe you get on my case about being late because I want to earn more income for the family and you've been out for five months, cheating on me behind my back" Sierra looked down at her hands, fiddling with her fingers in guilt. "Sierra?" Cody started. "Yes?" Sierra looked up at him. "You know how you said you'd do anything for me?" Cody asked, causing Sierra to nod. "There is something you can do for me that would make me feel better" Sierra looked at Cody with a smidge of hope in her eyes. "Anything" Sierra said with a smile. "I want you to leave. I think our relationship should be put on hold for now. It's obvious that all trust has been broken at this point" Cody said before looking down at his feet. He could hear Sierra get up. "That's totally fine.....Cameron treats me better than you ever did anyway!" Sierra practically screamed before leaving the house, slamming the door behind her.

That was it, Cody had asked the one person he had ever been in a relationship to leave him. And she did, with no hesitation. Then why did Cody not feel any pain or remorse about asking Sierra to leave? Had he lost all emotion? Or was it something else? Cody pulled out his phone and texted the one person he had left in his life. Leshawna.

Leshawna ✨

Cody: Sierra and me broke up, I feel alone :(

Leshawna: Do you want me to come over to comfort you, string bean? :(

Cody: Yes please, that's if you don't mind

Leshawna: Of course I don't mind.... would you like me to bring some candy? I know it's your comfort food

Cody: OMG YES PLEASE!, I need it rn 🥺

Leshawna: What kind of candy should I bring over?

Cody: ALL OF IT!

Leshawna: OK string bean, I'll see you soon 💖

Cody: You're literally the best ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Leshawna: I know 💅🏿 🤣

Cody: 👁️👄👁️💅🏻
Read 7:27pm

A/N: Whew! This took longer than I expected! But there you go! Cody finally built up the courage to break off his relationship with Sierra after nine years. Now that Cody is a single father looking after two children, how do you think he'll cope?

P.S. The reason this chapter took so long is because I reset my Animal Crossing island and have kind of been addicted all over again, so sorry about that 🤣

Anyways....uhhh yeah,

Signing off,

IcedSnowflakes, x 💖

Word Count: 1415 words

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