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Ballora sat down next to Baby on her stage, startling the redhead. 

"Christ, Lor!" Baby sighed, looking up at the ballerina with affection. "You scared me." Ballora smiled, moving closer to Baby. 

"What are you thinking about?" Ballora asked, looping her arm around the clown's and resting her hand on her shoulder. 

Baby shrugged. "Nothing in particular." 

"Well, everyone's always thinking about something." 

"Believe me when I tell you that my brain is absolutely empty right now." 

"That's fair." Ballora rubbed Baby's shoulder, holding her close. Baby leaned in, grateful for her warmth. The Gallery rooms were cold and still. 

"How was your day?" Ballora said after a few minutes of comfortable silence. 

Baby wondered for a moment. Her day was like any other, really. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. 

"You were there, Lor, you know what happened." Baby shrugged, again. "Same thing that happens every other day." 

Ballora looked at her for a moment. "Does it bother you that it was the same as every other day?" 

"What are you doing?" Baby glanced up at her. 

Ballora's violet gaze flickered. "I just want to talk to you." She smiled softly. "And I was there, and I also know you better than anyone. I know that today's crowd was a little.. much." 

Baby was quiet. She stared at her legs dangling off the edge of the stage. "Yeah, the party was a bit bigger than I thought it would be. But I can handle that! It's just a.. bunch of stupid kids!" She felt herself getting frustrated. "Who cares if they were climbing on the stage, and trying to touch me, and talk to me all at the same time! I-I'm supposed to handle that!!" Her echo bounced off the room walls. She huffed. "I didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry." She said, too tired to sound sorry at all. 

Ballora held her close. Baby accepted her embrace, letting her head rest against her lover's neck. "I know, it's okay. It's good to get your emotions out."

Baby made a noise that was somewhere between 'mhm' and 'I know'. 

"It was a lot. It probably was only like, 15 kids, but it felt like more than that." Baby muttered, recalling how her seemingly endless room had felt so, so small with so many voices and colors. She didn't remember when it stopped, she just knew that she needed to be somewhere quiet. 

"I don't understand!" She went on. "Freddy and Foxy deal with crowds so well. Freddy talks to everyone at once, and Foxy is never overwhelmed ever. I don't know how they do it." She stopped herself before she went on ranting about how she envied the Funtimes. 

"Freddy is specifically programmed to perform for a lot of people." Ballora commented lightly, still grazing her palm over Baby's shoulder. "And so is Foxy. And so am I, in a way." 

"What do you mean?" 

"What I mean is that you're special, Baby." Ballora smiled at her. 

"The fuck does that mean??" 

"I mean; you aren't built to deal with big crowds. And that's okay. You make ice cream, you can blow balloons from your fingers, - which I think is pretty cool - and you can take song requests. Your performances are more personal. It doesn't make you less than Freddy, or Foxy, or me. It makes you unique." 

She's right. Baby thought. She grinned. The bottled up distress that had been building up all day seemed to dissipate into the cold around them. 

"What about you?"

"Huh?" Ballora was a bit caught off guard. 

"We always seem to talk about me. I wanna hear about your day." She looked up at the taller woman with glossy blue eyes. "Even if it was as boring as mine." 

The dancer smiled. 

"Well, a party of mostly older kids were in my gallery today. Which meant that it was going to be more complicated, of course. Teens are so needy..." 

Ballora glanced down, noticing that Baby had been rather silent. Her full weight supported against Lor's side, her pigtails draped over her shoulders, Baby was fast asleep, snoring lightly. 

Good, Ballora thought to herself with a smile. She never sleeps. 

Pulling her girlfriend close to her, Ballora kissed her on the forehead. She scooped her up in her arms, and brought her back to their living space behind the stage. She briskly walked past Foxy's room, where she caught snippets of their very loud conversation with Lolbit. Reaching Baby's room, she managed to open the door without dropping the performer, and carried her over to her bed. 

"Goodnight, love." Ballora whispered as she lay Baby down, admiring her cute face. "I know today was rough for you. But it'll be okay. Tomorrow is another day." 

I'm sorry that this is cringe But they are so comfort I love them <3 

~&quot;Overwhelmed&quot; (a Baby x Ballora oneshot)~Where stories live. Discover now