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Word count:1542

Eliza's pov

As I walked out of eddie's house everything that we just talked about was running through my head I couldn't really think straight but I had to stop thinking and get home before mom and dad notice and ground me for life, that would be bad because that means I would never be able to see Eddie again. I started to pick up the pace from walking to running I can't be late I just have to try and sneak through my window and hope that my parents are asleep and I'm in the clear.

Time skip

It's been about 15 minutes and eliza finally arrived home not sure on if her parents are sleeping or not she grabbed the ladder from by the fence to the back yard and positioned it under her window so she could climb up in and into her bedroom without being noticed and caught. Eliza opened her window and slowly crawled in with one foot infront of another trying to be quieter than ever not wanting to wake her parents. Closing her window she takes her shoes off and put them under her desk to make it seem like she wasn't out all night, walking over to her closet she slowly opened the door took her hoodie off put it in her closet and changed into her usually pajamas one of her band tees and short's she bought a week ago. Feeling hungry she quietly walked down the stairs to find something to eat, not aware of her mother who has been waiting for her in the living room with the light on ready to yell at her daughter. ELIZA WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ARE YOU AWARE OF THE TIME ME AND YOU'RE FATHER WERE WORRIED SICK FOR YOU. Elizas mother shouted across the house from the living room to the kitchen where Eliza was standing. "Mom I-im sorry I was just.... I was hanging out with... Uh robin yeah she asked if I wanted to watch a movie and so I went over I didn't think you would mind since its robin. Eliza said just lying to her mother not sure if she would by it. Time goes by and it's just been silent between you your mom and now your dad who was awoke by you're moms yelling. "Eliza I know you're lying to be, so help me God Eliza if I find out you went behind my back and went to hang out with that munson freak you and I mean this will never leave this house ever again do you hear me, you will meet God before I do eliza do I make my self clear"? Mis. M/l/n said with a very sterin voice and now very red face. Elizas mom and dad walked away going back to bed leaving eliza crying as she slowly slid down the fridge knees to her chest and arms crossed over her knees just crying not sure on what to do or why her parents were so mad at her. After sitting in one spot for hours Eliza finally got up from off the floor still crying she slowly walked up the stairs, she walked into her room and changed her shit since it was drenched from how much she was crying. Eliza changed her shirt crawled into bed and cried her self to sleep.

- The next morning-

Eliza didn't want to get up in fact she wanted to sleep all day and pretty much for ever, she was still thinking about everything her mom had said to her last night while being yelled at and she never forgets regardless if it's while she is being yelled at or in general and what her mom told her last night that will stick with her for life basically

"So help me God Eliza if I find out that you went behind my back and went to hang with that munson freak, you and I mean this you will never leave this house ever again do you hear me, you will meet God before I do, do you understand"

That one sentence is the main thing that kept running through elizas head no matter what she did it just never left. Eliza was hungry but didn't want to go down stairs because she knew her parents would be awake already and if Eliza didn't go down there she knew her mom would come to her room and make sure she isn't trying to crawl out her window or meet with eddie again. Getting out of bed Eliza went to her closet not really caring about what to put on because she wasn't feeling it today so she just grabbed changed and walked down stairs not even caring about her hair.

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