my partner records her songs

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It was a another great day in aboveland and wonderful all of us been doing the same on same on things out jobs tea tea time then more work then dinner time then a little bit of TV then bed then wake up and do it again and you probably want to know where is my partner millie at where she left Wonderland no not forever just a little while she back in the uk where Alice came from writing songs yes shd writing songs and turn them into lyrics yes we didn't know about it intell one afternoon do you guys want to here the story you guys do ok where here it is so it's was a very I mean very hot day in Wonderland it was in the 100°f we was hot burning up and I don't mean burning up burning up for you baby song from jonas Brothers I mean we was burning up hot no water are lemonade the sun beating down on us and a FYI thst was a song reference I had to put it in there anyway back to the story so we was doing our chores aka jobs it was me Tarrant Alice chess Molly white rabbit and Ablsom while Miranda and millie was inside in cold air relaxing and having a good time so we was working and talking Alice this don't make sense why we out here and they inside I fell like going in there and yelling and Miranda Tarrant Alice that's not a good idea you be going back to the uk and I don't want to lose you again Alice I whount do that I will miss you guys if I did that us yes you whould and we miss you too so listen to Tarrant Alice I am chess good finally he listened to someone Tarrant what does that mean cat you got something to say stupid cat hu hu hu do you hu chess no Tarrant that's what I thought me guys it's tooo hot to fight let's calm down and keep working before tensions get hight Tarrant he starts it chess no he do Tarrant no I don't ches yes you do Tarrant no I don't chess yes you do Tarrant nooooo I don't cat not shut up right now chess make me Tarrant I make you Allright chess go ahead then me getting in the middle guys let's be smart and bring it off Molly oh the talking cheese going to preach to us white rabbit wait wait I know tensions are hight FYI a spongebob reference but we need to talk it out and be calm please guys Break it up right now all of us you right Tarrant I'm sorry cat chess I'm sorry Tarrant Molly I'm sorry mj me it's ok Molly the heat did it Alice now let's get back to work us let's Tarrant so we whent back to work then it was tea time we was talking about the fight then we herd music like someone was singing we said Alice who is singing Tarrant I don't know but I love there voice Molly yes I do tooo chess I agree I want there autograph me too chess said white rabbit Me let's go see who it is Alice so we whent into the castle and followed it upstairs it sounds like it was coming from Miranda office so we nock first and shd came to the door cool as a cucumber Miranda yes Alice Alice hi Miranda where the singing coming from me yea we whent to met the person yea said Tarrant chess Molly white rabbit Miranda the singing is coming from mj snd millie room you will be shock who it is I was when I saw the person you will enjoy it . Us thanks Miranda Miranda your welcome anytime enjoy us we will Molly so we whent to mj and millie room and when we saw who was singing we was shock like Miranda said we all yell out millie it's you millie yes it is I writie songs to turn into lyrics so you guys love it us yes we do millie thanks us your welcome anytime Tarrant you should have your favorite bands help you sing them Alice and turn it into a cd everyone will love it millie that's a good Idea there's a recording studio in aboveland aka uk I can go there and record my songs there us yes you should millie I will go back there tomorrow morning and I probably be gone for 4 weeks I know you guys will be mad but I love the idea ms we will miss you but follow your dreams partner we will wait for you millie really us yes millie thanks guys you guys are trurely my friends us awwww millie no worries white rabbit we should get ready for dinner us yes we should Alice you comeing millie millie I be there in a second us ok white rabbit then we whent downstairs and all eat dinner then wach TV then go to bed back to me so that's the story so that's where millie my partner is at right now and sents I told you guys the story it's tea time so we talking right guys Alice in the gane yep we all Molly missing millie Alice yes we miss her sooo much Tarrant shd promise she whould be back soon so don't cry me yea guys don't cry she be back soon everyone else yea yea yea she will chess lets get back to work Tarrant so we got back to work then it was dinner time and at the table we had a surprise Miranda I got a invitation from millie to come to the recording studio to listen to millie record her songs so tomorrow morning we going to aboveland to the uk recording studio us celebrating and yes Miranda aloud it then we finally stop celebrating then finish dinner then wach a little bit of TV then whent to bed chess the next morning hacker hey that's my line chess sorry too late hacker next time cat next time chess ok again the next morning me so we woke up early and got ready and when up to aboveland when we got there we toke a taxi to the recording studio when we got there Miranda pay then it whent off are laft us wow soooo cool Miranda come on guys let's go Alice so we whent in and whent to the desk to ask what floor is the recording studio they told us 6 floor Miranda ok thsnk you still Alice so we took the elevator up to the 6 floor and we whent right and it was the 4 door to the right Tarrant when we got to the door we nock it toke them a few minutes to answer then finally they came to the door recording manager hi you guys must be the wonderland friends and mj me yes that's us recording manager come in come in Molly we came in and sit down recording manager millie is talking to her favorite bands right now I let her know you guys are here us ok while we was waiting everyone was reading magazines music magazines me its ture we was reading magazines still me then the Manger came back with millie we talked to her and she was nevers and scared we told her we got her back we always be here shd whent back smiling and thank us then it was time to record those songs from her song book it took hours and hours but we was there for her never leave her Tarrant then after she was done her favorite bands and millie sign it then we all whent out to eat .Alice then 4 weeks later her and her favorite bands perform on BBC news good morning American American news the tonight show MTV nickelodeon shows snd Disney Channel shows some of the Disney Channel stars re wrote her songs from the song book but did millie mind nooooo not at all Molly it whent on and on and on me months after months Miranda years after years me she we was burning up the charts she was number one on the billboard music charts beating out the rest of the people she was number one snd not stopping she even from a band the millie rocks band and everyone whent to her concerts in each city she did autograph signing at Walmart me target Molly schools Tarrant business Miranda all where you can think of white rabbit she let's us come with us too me and we enjoy every bit of it Alice snd new years eve and Thanksgiving she was on the ball drop in time Square and in the Macy' Thanksgiving parade everyone love her and didn't stop either

Mr that's all of this chapter comment like and vote and I see you in the next chapter bye ps i hope you guys love the references I know I did I thought them up and I say it be a great idea to put them in this story so I hop you love it soooo much

Pps I got the inspiration from my best friend song book it's called my songs and you should check them out they soo beautiful and awesome you whould love those songs in the book so go check them out it's on my best friend book go to milliefrances46 that's again milliefrances46 to check out my song book and her other books she needs more followers so please please please give her some love and go check out her books and page she be happy you did that page again is milliefrances46 once again that's milliefrances46 go cheat out and I see you guys later bye

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