.-the engagement -.

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It's been 2 years since Zach surprised me with a promise ring. Ever since that night everything has changed. Not in a bad way, in a good way of course. Zach and I have been the happiest we've ever been. He's always been so kind and helpful to me ever since that one slip up I did back to when we were still in school. He was the first one there to see me wake up. Well be there to wait for me to wake up. 

So today for him, I'm gonna ask him if he'll marry me. I got everything to be prepared. I got the main thing done. Which is to get the ring. I have everything else too. I just gotta get one more thing. And thanks to Jonah, he's helping me out. 

"Jacky? Are you in here?" Zach asked. I walked over to our bedroom door and opened it. We both smiled.

"I take that as a yes." He said grabbing my hips and pulling me closer. I blushed ever so slightly. 

"So what are we doing today?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes kinda anxious if he found out what I have planned today.

"Uhm well me and Jonah are going to go do some things while Daniel and Corbyn stay here with you." I told him.

"Don't do anything dirty with him." He said jokingly.

"Babe, Jonah and I aren't like that and you know that." I said.

"Yeah I know love. I was joking." He said pressing his lips onto mine. I smiled against his lips. He let me go and gave me a quick smile.

"Hurry back now." He said kissing my hand.

I left the house with Jonah. We went to the store to get the decorations for tonight and for the wedding. Then we set a reservation at a very aesthetically beautiful field filled with flowers. 

"This is gonna be amazing. He's gonna love it, Jack!" Jonah said hugging me from the side.


I pulled up to the house with Jonah smirking. I smacked his arm and got out of the car. We walked to the front door and Zach didn't give us a chance to even knock. He looked really happy to see me. I was kinda confused for a minute but I then realized that we were gone for like 2 hours. But to him it was like 2 weeks. Yes yes he's attached. It's cute. 

"Baby! You're home! Come in come in!" He greeted us. 

"Jonah you go ahead and go in. Me and Zach are gonna go somewhere." I said to Jonah. He nodded. He already knows what's going on. I pulled Zach to the car and opened the passenger side door for him and he got in. I did the same. Then we were off.

For about 30 minutes he kept asking me where we were going. I would tell him it's a surprise. I patted my pocket to see if I remembered to get the ring and I did. Thank god! I thought to myself.  I could feel Zach's eyes on me when I did that. I looked over at him and he looked away quickly. 

I pulled up to the flower field and Zach gasped loudly that it hurt my ears. I winced and covered my ears.

I put the car in park and got out to let Zach out. He quickly got out and ran into the middle of the field spinning around. I shut his door and shook my head. 

He obviously likes it. I'm glad he does but his reaction was really dramatic. Not that I care of course. I thought to myself. I walked over to him and grabbed his hips. He jerked around and faced me smiling hugely. I smiled back.

"C'mon let's go eat. It's right over there." I said pointing to our left. Then he gasped once again. I jerked free from my hold and ran to the palette. I shook my head and huffed following him to the palette. I fixed his plate then mine. We ate in silence just staring into each other's eyes. (God that sounds creepy.) 

"That was uhm interesting. Just kinda creepy how we just stared into each other's eyes while we ate in complete silence." Zach said. I laughed.

"Yeah I guess it was." I said patting my pocket to see if the ring was still there. It was. I stood up slowly. Shit what do I say? What do I do? Like I'm ready to ask him but I don't know what to say. Ahh! I thought to myself anxiously. Screw it I'll just go with the flow. 

"Uh Zach. Ever since high school when you- Well that day I laid eyes on you, time literally stopped. I know that sounds cheesy as hell but just bare with me. Anyways uh I just want you to know that you will always be mine for forever. I love you so much that I can't leave you alone for 5 minutes. I guess that means I'm just really attached to you. Or obsessed. I don't know. I'll just say both of them. That night when you surprised me with that promise ring, everything changed. Cause I realized that you're serious about this relationship. And to be honest babe, I am too. So this is why I'm doing this." I paused getting on one knee pulling out the white box. "So Zachary Dean Herron. You are my forever and always. You're parents are allowing me to do this. So, Zach baby, will you marry me?" I finished off with a silent gulp. He smiled and covered his mouth happily and jumped up. 

"OH MY GOD! YES OR COURSE!!" He squealed. I put the ring on his hand and he jumped into my arms. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I spun us around in circles taking in the moment of success. 

"I love you so much baby!" He said against my lips.

"I love you too!" I whispered. 

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