6 ~ Gossip Time

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Yuu sat in her bed, staring off into space. She had finished getting ready for the new day, but mentally felt extremely underprepared. Though it's not like anything had really changed.

'Except that I may have a crush on Leona and he apparently feels the same way about me.'

"No way," she said aloud, laughing to herself. "He's way out of my league." She laid sprawled on her bed and chuckled, but her laughter quickly died down. "Yeah, no. I have no idea."

After taking a few extra minutes to collect herself, Yuu headed to the Diasomnia lounge. "Look who's back," Lilia said, applauding as she descended the stairs.

"Sorry I'm back so late, I didn't think I'd be out that long," Yuu apologized, taking a seat where Lilia, Silver, and Sebek were. "Is His Highness out?"

Sebek nodded. "Yes, he's out on a walk (that he requested to go on alone, not that I mind or anything...)! And you should be sorry—it's humans like you who tarnish the reputation of the great Diasomnia!"

"Shut up, Sebek. I'm as human as you are."

"Now, now, bickering so early in the morning?" Lilia said cheerfully. "Yuu, you seem a bit distressed. Is everything alright?"

Silver blinked a few times, likely waking up from a sleeping spell. "Oh right, I saw you and Leona last night..." He trailed off, interrupted by a yawn, and Yuu was about to take the opportunity to talk over them.

However, Lilia also had the same idea. "Last night? You and Leona Kingscholar? Ohoho, how very intriguing..."

Lilia's eyes flitted upwards. "Oh, good morning, Malleus. Did you have a nice walk?"

Sebek was the first to react after becoming aware of Malleus' presence, fawning over him and praising him for his diligence in walking and whatnot. Silver and Yuu also extended their greetings, though on a much tamer level than Sebek.

"Yes, my walk was pleasant. What's this I hear about Kingscholar?" His gaze turned towards Yuu, eyebrows raised.

She glanced to the side. Just hearing Leona's name now was enough to make her face flush, and it was obvious, too. Lilia started cackling knowingly, but the other three seemed oblivious. Just Lilia knowing about her little crush on Leona was enough to make her cheeks heat up even more.

"Aww, what are your cheeks turning so red for~?" Lilia taunted, ever the sucker for romance and drama. Yuu glared at him and he stopped making fun of her, but that left the other three confused as to what just happened.

Lilia leaned in and whispered, "You know, for their ages, they should be more knowledgeable about these things, don't you think?" He started laughing, but Yuu could only add a simple 'ahaha' since she felt so flustered.

"It seems you've finally recognized your feelings for him... What will you do now?" Lilia's eyes were gleaming; he was definitely enjoying himself.

Yuu, on the other hand, was not.

"Feelings for who?" Sebek asked, his voice booming. Both Yuu and Lilia hissed at him to lower his voice, but his next thought must've come as a huge surprise to him, because he proceeded to boom in an even louder voice, "YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR LEONA KINGSCHOLAR!?"

Thankfully, the dormitory was void of most other students, and the few that were there seemed to mostly be distracted, but that didn't help Yuu at all. She felt like disappearing on the spot.

Sebek was definitely not helping the situation. He launched into a whole speech about how disrespectful that was to Malleus and blah blah blah, but Yuu had tuned him out. Silver put a hand on her back in a comforting motion, probably not knowing how else to make her feel better. After all, the few others in the dorm were definitely listening at this point.

Yuu was keeping an eye on Malleus, unsure of how he was going to respond. He could have a volatile reaction or he could not care—it was difficult to read Malleus.

"What are your thoughts on this, Malleus?" Lilia prompted, likely sensing Yuu's unease. Malleus put a hand to his chin. "Whatever do you mean?"

"You and Kingscholar don't have the most amicable of relationships."

"And what has that to do with Yuu? Do you really assume me to be the kind of person who would interject my feelings into someone else's relationship?"

Yuu blinked a few times. Sometimes she forgot that Malleus was older than he seemed, and with age comes wisdom. Though he always became extremely petty when it came to Leona, it was good to know that it wouldn't be a problem with her Housewarden.

That didn't make Sebek's insensitivity and loud voice any less embarrassing, but he didn't do or say anything with ill will, which was why Yuu could forgive him.

She still wanted to get out of there, though—she felt way too restless after the events of this morning, so she stood. "I'm gonna head to class early," she told them, quickly dashing out.

It was more likely that she would sprint around campus a bit. She had even more thoughts circulating in her mind, now.

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