Chapter 2

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I woke late into the next morning my mother and sibling already long gone into the village. They talked last night about going into the upper part of the village to 'window shop' and maybe get our family apothecary back up and running. Then we could move from paupers back to being comfortable.

Shaking my head I turn my focus back into the magical sheet of paper that held the directions to the manor. The road was smooth and unobscured despite the Dark One begging for his privacy. I wouldn't question it though, I'm plants smart not magic smart so I'll trust his judgement when it comes to things beyond my realm. I try to pin-point certain plants so that I could rely on the map less and less every day that I come here. Though it was about a three minute walk to the manor I realized I was in between three kingdoms: The Queens, The Rose Court, and King Raymond's. A very dangerous place to be if it weren't for the fact I knew Rumplestilskin was waiting for me. The dirt path quickly came to stone and I noticed the small staircase and huffed. I hated stairs, was this the price I had to pay for the vial? Walking up a wretched staircase? I wanted to cry as I forced my legs forward up the stairs. The clacking of stone harshly ran through the air as I dragged my boots up the steps to the manor. A grand and golden building I didn't let myself enjoy because I was too busy sulking over the stairs. "Waaaah!" I cried in front of the manor dramatically until Rumplestilskin opened the door looking down at my still form.
"What are you on about?" He asks the voice he carried holding hidden amusement.
"I don't keep this figure from walking up stairs you know." I scold him keeping my face to the side and sulking about having to walk up a staircase.
"Darling that was ten steps."
Pushing my arms under my body and standing quickly to meet his full golden eyes. His short wavy hair flowing down to his shoulders like a dawn colored waterfall. "Ten steps too many!" He chuckles at my statement before moving his leather clad arm to motion inside the gorgeous manor. My eyes glaze over the golden walls dulled by the shadows of his mahogany curtains. Golden swirled accents dance over the red fabric in every room of the house. A study, a library, rooms, a dungeon downstairs, and a dungeon upstairs. A bit excessive and I told him so.
"Well who else to be excessive other than me?" Twirling his wrist in his usual fashion causing me to smile at the action. We walk down the corridors as he gives me his 'grand tour' and I chuckle at some of his remarks. When we get to the garden I feel a flutter in my chest bloom, thousands of plants and flowers take up the expanse of the yard; the only obstruction being the stone path made of small cobblestones.
"It's beautiful." I tell him honestly while he only nods in pride. Motioning his hand to follow him into a not so well lit dining room set with a small journal and ink well. A small set of vials lay in front all of them empty and I look up to him in confusion.
"You'll work here making poisons and healing vials. I want every aspect of your mind to be mine." He tells me his voice dropping a few octaves his surprisingly soft hands cusping my cheeks. The muscle in my chest squeezes tightly at the affection and I feel my body temperature rise. His eyes must have real gold in them because they shine even in the dark and they're absolutely beautiful.
"I'll give you my mind," I tell him honestly. 
"Great! Get to work, preferably poisons first." He tells me and I roll my eyes lightly walking to the curtains and opening them slightly.
Walking out into the garden I immediately notice Elephants Ear and Pothos Ivy. Looking down I see gloves, a basket, and shears appear and I smile lightly knowing that he's watching what I'm doing.

I work for hours with my instruments meticulously trimming and pruning all the plants. Though I frowned noticing he kept his healing and poisonous plants together. It took me more than half the day to sort the garden properly. Planting more healing plants feeling excited for their future growth. Once I had deemed the garden up to my particular standard I went inside the manor and began.
I start by measuring how much plant I'd need for an average adult with a two-hundred pound body weight ratio. Then I add the extraction oil clipping and grinding certain parts of the plant for the purpose of toxicity. With the ink and well that seemed never ending I added a chart of weight to the amount of poison needed to kill; or, in Rumplestilskin's case: how much he'd have to give over a period of time to drag their death out. I wasn't stupid. I knew the kind of person he was and why he wanted this information in the first place but I weirdly trusted him. Trusted that he knew what he was doing, I don't think that he would torture anyone unless they absolutely deserved it.

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