chapter 2

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2nd person' s POV

As YN wake up dou to the sound of her alarm clock she started to walk to the bathroom to do her morning routine as she was done showering and changing she went down stares to make breakfast but when she open the shelf dower and refrigerator it was all empty except the  three cup Noddle's that's on the  shelf when an idea come to her mind I should go grocery shopping YN though she then went outside to go to the nearest convinced store


I was walking to the nearest
convince store to buy food and other need in the house when I got to the sweet aisle I spot boxes of doroyakis taiyaki and dango and we'll you know I'm a rich bitch

I run towards the sweets and put them all in my cart as I was done I went to the counter to pay

I notice to boys walking to the sweet aisle one was short and soft blonde hair the other one has a dragon tattoo on his head the short blonde and I held I contact we stare at each others eye's for four second's but I broke it and started to walk to the counter to pay for what I buy

"Hello I'd like to pay for this please" I said to the boy cashier with a sweet smile while he bluse and started to skan and pack the things I buy it kinda took long cuase of how many I buy

"That would be 169.60¥ yen ma'am" said the boy and I grab the wad of cash in my bag and pay for it. And I give the remaining money to the boy cashier "here's a tip thank you and have a good day!" I said as I was about to walk to the exit I heard yelling



en-chin and I went to buy doryakis before going to the toman metting when we whent inside I notice I pretty girl we held I contact. I was so lost in her eye's  she has beautiful eye's  I though but was back to reality when ken-chin call me

"Oi mikey  their all out if doroyaki "ken chin said that's when I look at the shelf their weren't even taiyaki it was empty that's when I start yelling




I heard some one shout doroyakis is someone going to buy some to? I thought as I look down to my bag's that's full of the mention sweets I feel guilty

As I started to walk back to the sweet aisle I see that it was the guy that I held eye contact with and he was pouting how cute  I thought while the other guy seems irreteted and want the world to end him

"Umm excuse me did you just say you want some doroyaki "


I started to whine about the doroyakis while kenchin keep saying we could just buy at some other store

"MIKEY shut the fuck up we could just buy at some other store" he said while rubing his temple "but kenchin the other store is far and I'm lazy to walk and I'm hunger"I whine to him more as I was about to say more a feminine voice interrupted me

"Umm excuse me did you just say you want some doroyakis"she said as I turn around to look who it was my mouth hang open shit it's the cute girl I held eye contact with!!  I thought in panic I want to say something but my trout went dry I keep opening and closing my mouth

"ahh yae we were going to buy some but it look like there aren't any left"kenchin said

"Ohh is that so well then you guys can have some then besides I think there's to many in hear"the girl said and handed us the whole box of doroyakis and taiyakis

"um you dont have t–"kenchin said but I cut him of
"Well take it!!THANK YOU!!"I said as I hug the boxes of sweet 

I heard giggling and I look at the girl who is now chuckling

"hehe sorry you were just so cute by the way my name is YN. YN HANAGAKI what about you two "she introduced her self

"well I'm sano manjiro but call me mikey"I introduce my self while kenchin said his name. "Ryuguji ken but call me draken"

"Ok then well mikey-kun draken-san I better get going hope I can see you guys around well then bye bye!!"she then start. to walk to the exit

"Bye bye YN chin hope to see you to "I said while waving goodbye as I stare at the door were she just leave my heart won't stop thumping

I guess its what they called love at first sight  

back to YNs POV

I started to walk back to the house as I get there mitchi wasn't their so I decided to take a storl when I got to a park I see mitchi with someone so I decided to walk towards them

"Oii~mitchi!!" I said as I hug him

"Ahh YN what are you doing here" he ask while hugging me back then I heard a voice

"Oii takemitchi kun are you cheating  on me "she said while loking at me

"and who are you " I ask while looking softly at her

"What no hina!! you got it all wrong this is my twin sister YN !!"mitchi said while panicking ohh so is this his girlfriend that he has been taking about I thoungt as I look at them

"Ohh~is she your girlfriend mitch~~??" I said teasing him while he bashfully nod his head

"Ohh~ so your telling me I get a cute beuateful sister in llaw" I said while smirking at him while the girl I suppose is hina blush looking away

"Well nice to meet you you must be hinata tachibana I'm I right?mitchi always talks about you and my name is YN YN hanagaki again nice to meet you" I said shaking her hand

"yes I I'm hinata and nice to finnaly meet you YN san "

"No need to be formal hinata chan just call me YN or n/n" she nod at me

"Ok YN chan"

Hello Honey's just to tell you all my keyboard is broken and Im having a hard time pressing the keys. °^° so I'm sorry  for the wrong spelling

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