Taken Down and Made New

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Hello there,

So I have taken all the chapters for this story down and will be redoing, and editing them. The storyline should remain, but I just think that this can be done better.

In the meantime, feel free to read my other story, Grace, if you would like. 

Grace is an age gap interracial (bwwm) Christian romance that involves Joe, a widower, and Grace, a widow of six years and family friend. Joe has just lost his wife and Grace is there for him as he works through a grief that she is unfortunately familiar with. As the years go by and he continues to heal, their friendship develops into something more.

Here's an excerpt (different than the one I used previously):

 "You only get one compliment per day, but I think that might be too much for you," I say, and Joe chuckles.

"Are you trying to say that you're giving me a big head, Grace?"


He laughs now, and I watch him, loving the way he looks as he does. It's not a halfhearted thing, but it's a laugh that goes throughout his body and even touches his eyes. Crow's feet appear at the corners, and I find them attractive.

His laughter slowly ends, and he looks back down at me.

"Classic Gracie," he says, and I just love how that sounds. It's such a simple thing, but I love it. I study him for a moment, taking in his beard and moustache which are neatly trimmed. There are a few gray hairs here and there among the black ones, but they don't look out of place at all. He's got the same few streaks running through the hair on his head.

I think the greys attest to his age and the wisdom he possesses. It gives him a mature look, but doesn't make him look like an old man, like he used to joke about. Truly, he has aged like fine wine.

"Let's close this up, I don't want you catching a cold," he says as if not noticing my perusal. His hands come back to my light jacket, and he latches up the first few hooks. He's gentle, as always, and my chest warms.

"I don't think I ever asked you about work, by the way," he continues. "How was—"

"Joe," is all I say. He stills, hearing my tone in the one word. He looks up at me slowly and then steps closer.

"Yes?" he asks, and I don't know what to say. He studies me and I don't hide how I feel. I want him to get closer. I want him to hold me. He gets this look in his eyes that must mirror mine.

"You want something, Grace?" he asks, his voice low. A thrill goes through me, and I swallow instinctively. My eyes want to leave his, but his gaze holds them in place. I feel a bit shy all of a sudden with his question.

"Yes," I say tentatively.

"What's that?" he asks, dominance coming off of him in waves and causing me to soften, which is unlike me. I've usually got my walls up, but Joe shows me that there's no need for that. He's not going to hurt me. No, he's shown me that he'll protect me instead, and he'll love me and take care of me. I appreciate that, and I don't think words can ever describe just how much.

"I . . ." I trail off, stopping as I try to gather up the courage to say what I want. He waits patiently, and finally my mouth works again.

"I want a kiss," I say, heat rising to my cheeks with my admission. I feel like a shy young girl right now. But he doesn't make fun of me for that. Instead, his jaw works—such an attractive thing.

"A kiss?"

"Yes," I murmur. He stares at me for a while longer before leaning down. My breath catches and I instinctively grab onto his forearms. But I'm surprised when he chooses to go elsewhere.

His warm lips only settle on my cheek, his beard and moustache brushing against my skin. He moves back some, still close, and I notice how his brow furrows and his eyes have darkened a bit. His hand takes hold of my chin, his thumb stroking my bottom lip.

"I'll give it to you later," he says, his voice lower, and I can only nod, unable to find my words. He seems to be saving it up for something, but I'm not sure what.

His thumb continues its action, and he gazes at me a while more before kissing my forehead.

"I'm going to take care of you and the kids, Grace."

Oh. I just . . . I get this feeling within me that warms me throughout.

"You already are, Joe."

"I know, but I mean in a different way. I've been doing that as an outsider."

I look up at him and find him looking at me.

"I'd like to be a part of your family."

I reach up and cup his face in my hands.

"Joseph . . . you've been a part of our family for years. We've never thought of you in any other way."

It's the truth. His eyebrows raise and he stares at me for a while. Then he nods. I smile gently, and he kisses my cheek again then gives me a smoldering look that knocks the boots off my feet. I blink, not able to look away. Or maybe it's my socks he knocked off?

"Thank you," he says, and I nod numbly. He brings one of my hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to it, his eyes still fixed on mine. My breath catches with the intensity there.

"I love you, Grace," he says, the sincerity in his words as clear as day. All at once, I feel so incredibly grateful to have him in my life. It's so uncharacteristic of me, but I find tears springing up. His gaze softens as he sees them. Ordinarily I would try to hide this obvious sign of vulnerability, but I don't. There's no reason to with Joe.

"I love you, too."

He smiles gently and then turns his head towards my hand still on his face, pressing a tender kiss to my palm.

"I know you do, and I appreciate that," he says.

I nod but feel the need to say it again. I feel like once isn't good enough for this wonderful man. He means so much to me, and so much to my children. He took on a role no one ever asked him to.

"I love you, Joe." I try to put all my emotions into the words, and he gazes at me. "I love you," I repeat. He takes hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers. Then he wraps an arm around my waist, bringing me closer. Joe presses gentle kisses on my face and hands that have more tears springing up.

I try to wipe them away, but he stops me, gently using the pad of his thumb to wipe them for me. I gaze up at him, sniffling. No words need to be said as we stare at each other. I don't think words would do us much good now anyway. We love one another.

I'm grateful for God's grace in bringing Joe and me together. I used to be so sure that I was fine on my own. I thought that I could do it all, but I couldn't. The Lord gives us what He knows we need. Sometimes these things bring us joy, but other times they remind us that our ultimate joy is found in Christ. Everything else is temporal and nothing even holds a candle to what is to come in eternity.

But for now, I give thanks for this man He has placed into my life.

"I love you too, Grace. I'll do good by you and the twins," he promises.

And he did.

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