They are what powers and give us life.
Proof of our achievements,existence and fantasies.
The library allows its inhabitants to collect stories to give us strength,to fight against our eventual Karma.
The enemies and shadows of our long past that will one day come back to erase our existence.
Stories destroyed,each sentence,word,prologue and epilogue,all vanished.
That was the fate of the previous residents.
And it most likely will remain so till my own end.
I am the shelf that holds the stories here,the walls that shelter them from destruction,the writer who puts down their stories and the one who made our stories into our "strength".
My tree controls the flow of stories to other realms.
And we are one in the same.
Which is how I came across [The oldest dream].
How interesting.
I entered the cabin that exuded solitude,it was empty,but clean.
My steps reverberated among the lonely silence.
Stretching my legs for the first time in a while was a good idea.
Just how long have I spent hunched over that desk?
A train travelling through my domain,among countless stars,held a pile of clothes covering a sleeping young child.
Black hair and black eyes.
Common features of the east.
A voice rang throughout the train.
[D o N o t T o u c h K i m D o k j a]
A mechanical voice,with simple vocabulary was heard.
Was it that child's guardian?
No matter.
Making enemies right now wouldn't be a good idea.
"Oh my,I apologise."I said with a light bow.
An adult must be relenting after all.
[W h o A r e Y o u]
"Are you asking for my name?"
[O b v i o u s l y]
How cute,it was acting annoyed.
"I see,Unfortunately,I cannot give you my true name,you see it's a sensitive topic."
If I gave up my true name so easily,I would have been long dead.
"How about Trumpet creeper?"
[T r u m p e t C r e e p e r?]
"It's my favourite flower."
[T r u m p e t L a d y]
"That is fine."
[Y o u A r e R e s p e c t f u l.G o o d]
Of course respect is necessary in any interaction.
No matter how long I've lived,I have not forgotten my morals.
Even if I could easily erase this train and everything in it.
Like erasing a typo in a sentence.
"From what you have told me,I can assume this child's name is Kim Dokja and he is Korean."

A reader who began a dream
FanfictionIn the first cycle of omniscient reader,the beginning of this story which's true conclusion would not come for a very very long time. In that subway cabin,Kim Dokja is visited and discovered by a mysterious woman,who is oddly friendly with the fourt...