The Wolf's Woes

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Amiya and I stood next to each other; forced into a nearly uncomfortable proximity due to the sheer size of her majesty's legions. But, I didn't mind. If it had been anyone other than Amiya, I would've been squirming and fidgeting in a useless effort to re-establish my personal boundaries.

Six-hundred soldiers stood dressed in exactly the same armour - lead, with a breastplate, a simple helmet and a chainmail skirt - with the battlefield stretched out in front of us. The grass had been blackened and reduced to meagre piles of ash. A cloud of dust could be seen on the horizon; the only indication we had of our oncoming enemies. In minuets, the battle horn would be blown, and our first wave would race out to meet them.

With the boom of a fog horn, only magnified by ten, and with a lot more rattling, the trumpet sounded, and our ranks surged forward.

Amiya and I, along with three hundred others, stayed behind, and closed our eyes in a desperate bid for silence or sound to block out the cries and moans of our brethren falling.

"Amiya," I began, my mouth dry. I was forced to crane my neck to look up at her, sitting astride her giant battle wolf, Luna. "Amiya, whatever happens today, I need you to know how much you mean to me. I would not have been able to make it through those months at the training camp if it hadn't been for you. You guided me though my darkest times, and for that, I will be forever grateful."

Amiya said nothing, but her eyes conveyed such a deep message that I understood her perfectly.

And then it was our turn. The second hit flooded forward, but I crouched and allowed myself to fall further behind.

Then I was off myself, running left while my friends ran forward. I began hacking at their legs; not so much that they would die, but enough so that they would be unable to fight.

I tried not to look at the faces of the men and women I once called brothers and sisters, but I felt the betrayal radiating off them, sheathing me in the cloak of a traitor.

I quickly broke down the ranks from behind. By the time they realised I, too, was an enemy, I had already immobilised a third of the army.

I ran as quickly as I could into the fray; slashing and jabbing at all who dared cross my path.

Amiya broke through the herds and stood silently, staring at me through the slits in her helmet. For that moment, I was deaf, and only the two of us exited.

She charged and I side-stepped easily, knowing her fighting style as well as I knew my own. She had a height advantage mounted on Luna, but I was bigger and stronger, and prepared to do whatever was necessary.

I tackled her off the giant wolf and we crashed to the ground, rolling and bucking and scratching and hitting.

"How could you do this Lowell?" she gasped.

I tightened my hold on her neck. "I am tired of serving a queen who cares about us as much as she cares about her mare's muck. Donnovan promised freedom and equality."

She spat in my face, and before she could attack me, I plunged my sword of gold through her armour, straight into her heart, effectively eliminating my own.

As I walked away with my blade gleaming, I could hear Luna's pitiful howls as she desperately tried to wake her dead owner.

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