- The meet.. ch.1

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o: Means Talking.
o: Means Talking to self not out loud or narrator,
o: Means something happens.
- : Means author,

------------------ Tubbo's POV
As I was walking back to snowchester, I seen Techno, I waved of course.

- Time skip to when Tubbo got the house.

Once I got to the house, I seen the one and only, Ranboo, My beloved! I teared up and ran up and hugged him tightly, not asking how he was Revived. Boo! You're back I said while crying. Well..I'm here n- now He kinda chuckled, but I didn't notice it. I was to happy to see him. How about we check up on Michael...Tubbo? He never called me by my nickname, He always used Bee or Darling...Weird. I just brushed it off.

Sure boo! Follow me! I said, excitedly. He kinda looked...annoyed?..I brushed it off again. MICHAEL I'M HOME! I said yelling to Michael. Papa you're back! Wait...DADDY! YOU'RE ALIVE!! Michael said, I softy giggle at his excitement. But..once I looked at Ranboo, He looked annoyed again..so I asked him, Hey..Why are you annoyed? After I asked him that, he snapped at me..

- Sorry for this being short af, I swear I'll make a longer one after, I'm just tired rn. 215 words

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