"I love you!"

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The words that tumbled out of her mouth didn't feel like it did. Her hand was infront of her mouth, covering it as she stared wide-eyed at him.

He too had the same reaction except he stayed put together. He knew she didn't mean it from her character but from herself. The words were uttered with such confidence as if it was meant to be spoken.

The director sat up straighter in his chair, his assistant bouncing on the ball of his feet quite literally.

The assistant whispered hurriedly into his bosses' ear, "Sir, she spoke the wrong words, should I tell them to-"

"No.. we can always change the script. I want to see where this goes."

The male smiled, his expression helping her relax in her position. After filming so many episodes and parts, he thought it was only fair that when the last episode airs, the viewers would get what they wanted.

And these two would too.

He crossed the room, closing the space between them and stared her down before sliding his hand behind her head and locking their lips.

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