1.The Birth

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once there was a big village in that there was a loving couple they loved each other very much their love was sooo strong that not even the smallest thing can destroy this bond. The wife[Elizabeth] was a very happy lady who was expecting, the husband[Jacob] was a handsome looking man he worked as a commander in chef of the military force. There was a war comeing close and he had to get ready for wht was coming next The War..... *so he had to live every thing behind him .he's pregnant wife packed his suitcase and the very next day after living the village he saw a huge crowed and his pregnant wife standing in front of him .he burst into tears and huged his wife He kissed her on her lips .Then there was a group of children around him they gave him flowers. **[when all of that was done]**he left the village for The war....
*********** Days past by************
*******Months past by*********
One night when the pregnant wife was awake thinking about her husband**[something crabs in her stomach]**Aaa!my stomach [she screams]**[people rushed to see what had happened]"what happen Elizabeth(wife)"?[A lady asked from the village]my baby[in a soft voice]"wht"?I can't here u[every one was looking and listing clearly]Th..e. Ba..b. "Wht"?[the lady asked]Thee....Babyysssss....comeing.....[she shoted ]omg same one do something "idiots take me to the hospital now.......[the pregnant wife shoted]Aaaaaa..!!! x-(
~~~~on the way to the hospital~~~~
**[reached the hospital**delivry stated]****~~~~~A sound a pears..that was the sound of a new born child.{The whole village for was filed with happiness and joy}**After the delivery**congratulation u gave birth to a beautiful Girl [the ners said]Elizabeth (wife)we are so happy for you.when all of them go home.The whole village stands in a line to see the new born child .The lady from the village gave blessing to the child and said to the women(Elizabeth) that had given birth"you have given birth to a beautiful baby girl she will bring happiness in this village she will be named zora and the village was filed with joy there was dancing Food...
~~~~That's the end of chapter~1~~~~
I hoped ull liked it i vll make this story more n more interesting so do comment n vote let me no

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