Chapter 5, I miss them 

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As Audi finished doing some groceries, he saw the police in front. They were in the parking lot. Audi knew what they were here for so he ran out. Now he was behind the supermarket. He thought to himself, "Was this really a good idea to run away.." he began to cry next to a dumpster behind the supermarket. He wanted to go home but he knew he couldn't just return just yet. To his left he saw a police man grabbing him. He tried to escape but couldn't. Audi thought he was getting arrested, luckily they explained everything back at the police station. He was taken home where his mother also began to cry like he was before.

Of course Albee didn't. "Well look who returned. You ran away without me? Come on Audi I'm your sister!" Albee stopped. "Why would you say that? I thought you loved it here you get everything." Audi asked. Albee sighed as she turned away to the living room. "I-I think you shouldn't ask her questions like that, it gets her really frustrated." Audi's mother smiled. "Why don't you go upstairs and change out of those clothes." She said but didn't mention anything about school which was good.

Albee's pov:
Great. Now he's home and ruining my life. I head to the living room and sit on the couch. I turn on some tunes. They don't
cheer me up that much.

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