Chapter 1: The Sunrise

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It was about 7:00 AM in the morning as the sun rose from the east. An Absol with a yellow scarf and green eyes was watching the sun rise in all its beauty.

"After what happened with Necrozma it's nice to see the sunrise again," the Absol thought to himself.

Just then a Luxray walked up to him.

"Are you gonna stand there all day Sephy?" she spoke in a somewhat quiet voice so as to not startle the Absol.

Sephy quickly responded "Ion, you know I like to see the sunrise, just give me a few more minutes then I'll get ready for the day ok?"

Ion, a motherly Luxray and a good friend to Val, always had a serious demeanor, yet an open mind. She always adorned a pair of glasses and a tattered, red scarf around her neck. At 35 years old, she's seen many a different life, but has settled in Emerald City, where she feels as if she belongs. As a mother, she doesn't want to leave and cause her child any more difficulties.
Ion nodded in understanding as she went back to bed. After a few minutes Sephy got ready and woke up Ion and the two headed downstairs.

After they ate breakfast with the rest of the team Sephy and Ion got ready. During this an Espeon walked up to them.

"Good morning," the Espeon said in a shy voice.

"Good morning Val, how are you?" Ion replied.

"I'm good," Val stammered.

"Good!" Ion said as she smiled at him.

Val chuckled as he walked away.

Valentine, an Espeon, was a figure of great interest. With a mind so freeing, yet a heart so locked away. He was considered somewhat of an enigma by his friends, yet by no means an outcast. Despite him being a male, he dresses what some would consider overtly femininely, wearing a scarf imprinted with a heart, and a small purple ring around his forked tail. With brilliant, aquamarine eyes and perky, mauve ears, he always wants to be the best he can be in life

However, he has been severely limited by his timidity and shyness issues. His girlfriend, Melody, a caring and understanding Sylveon, has tried to help with this, yet despite her valiant efforts, his social difficulty still remains as a threat, hanging over him. Val always wishes to keep a smile on his face and share his hidden optimism with the world, and will frequently hug friends of his or express immense gratitude, often in places where it is not necessarily required.

Fighting through his issues as best as he can, Val wants to change the world, one piece of kindness and creativity at a time, and even as much as his brain may hold him back, his ever-beating heart will guide him through any and all danger, wherever the end of the road may be.

"I kinda feel bad for him, y'know? He's a great kid yet he has very few friends," Ion said, talking to Sephy.

Sephy responded with a small nod.

A Lucario can be seen meditating outside, and his Aura was visible.

A Zoroark walked up to the Lucario and tapped his shoulder twice.

"What Kit?" The Lucario said somewhat annoyed.

Kit chuckled and responded, "What can I not talk to my best friend Lucas? Apparently not."

Lucas sighed and said "It's not that I don't want to talk to you, it's just that I'm in the middle of something. Just wait a bit."

"Alrighty then." Kit said as he walked back indoors.

Lucas, a Lucario, and Kit, a Zoroark, are lifelong friends and partners to each other. They were born in rivaling villages during a territory dispute, but despite that they became friends relatively quickly and they've been at each other's sides ever since. Lucas has a more serious demeanor while Kit has a more playful one. Kit has a daughter Sue while Lucas lost his wife and son in an incident 20 years ago. Lucas can create weapons out of Aura with his favorite being an Aura Katana which he calls an Aura Saber. Kit can create illusions that can affect others with his favorites being illusions that mess with others but not in a trauma inducing manner but a more playful manner.

Elsewhere in the base lies an Umbreon with a red right eye and a green left eye listening to music on his bed.

Val walks in and looks at the Umbreon.

"Good Morning Chrome!" Val said to the Umbreon.

Chrome paused his music and spoke in a somewhat annoyed manner, "Morning."

Having been considered a wild Pokemon for his first few years of his life, Chrome, an Umbreon, has a hard time opening up to others, especially pokemon that he only recently met. For the longest time he had no friends until one day an Eevee with aquamarine eyes started to talk to him and thus, they became almost like brothers. Nowadays, Chrome is a little bit of a downer at times but will always be there for his friends.

Val spoke to him in an understanding way, "I know you like your alone time but you gotta socialize with someone. Be it me, Lucas, Kit, Ion, or Sephy."

"Eh, that's fair," Chrome said as he got up from his bed.

"Now come on, we've got plenty of time before our first job," Val said leaving the room.

Chrome looked at a burned picture of an Umbreon, and Espeon an Eevee and an egg. "... Yeah…"

Chrome got his things and left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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