Leveling Part 9

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"So, how have you been doing?"

Saiko's mouth opened agape only to close moments later. The young girl wanted to find the proper words but was, for the first few times, left stumped. Or rather undecisive would be a far more fitting term. Her uncle is many things and one of them happens to be proactive.

"...I have been doing well," Saiko spoke after pondering for a brief moment. A short huff could be heard from the other end. 

"3 seconds. That's how long it took for you to answer me." The man spoke, stifling a yawn. Saiko felt rather dumb for not recalling the different time zone between America and Japan. "You rarely pause when you answer a question. I assume it has to do with that Red Gate you accidentally entered."

"...Yes." Saiko relented much to her reluctance. It doesn't take a genius for her to figure out how her godfather figured it out considering how much influence said man holds over the American Public Hero Safety Commission. 

"Yes, my ass." Snorted the man. "In any case, you wouldn't have called me if it's something important. Tell your Godfather Reid what is it."

'Well, since I come this far I might as well go ahead.'

"Right, you know about this new friend of mine right? Izuku Midoriya." Hearing a muffled grunt, Saiko continued. "You remember how I mentioned he has an awful little amount of magical energy correct? He...kinda developed Mana of Darkness inside him."

After finishing her sentence, Saiko waited with bated breath for anything. Much to her surprise, the man on the other end merely sigh. His reaction was rather subdued but Saiko made no mention. 

"Mana...of Darkness you say? As in magical energy exclusively found in the monsters of the Gates? And you say the quantity in him has grown."

"No, Uncle. You misheard me. Of course, you heard me correctly." 

"Yes, I've read the document you sent me two days ago, no need for sass. From what I've read, he's a rare combination of mediocrity; Quirkless, has little Mana and despite all that, he is the son of a powerful Hero. What a fascinating individual" Saiko nodded at his words.

"I see. Is there anything else you wish to share besides this?" Christopher asked. Saiko's mind recalled the most recent shameful experience. Hands shaking as she remembered the so-called Monarch, Yogumunt's old and gnarly face leering at her. No normal Heroes or Awakened can hope to defeat him, that much she can safely say. If Katsuki and Izuku nor the S-rankers couldn't hope to defeat him, then what can she do?

Hence there's only one thing she could do now.

"I was wondering if you have the time to train me again. And my friend would love to have your guidance."

Silence dawned in and Saiko felt a little awkward and briefly wondered if she had turned off the phone by accident. A quick check revealed it was not the case.

"I'm afraid not. Paperwork has been piling up again and my research needs my full attention. If you need anything else, you have my phone number. Also, before I go, please remember you're not in America." A stifled yawn followed after that, making Saiko feel bad for her uncle in all but blood.

"Regardless, I'm happy to hear you doing well. Goodnight."

Before she can say anything else, the line went flat. Dialing the same phone number yet again, she called only for no one to answer. Realizing it's wastile, she tucked the phone into her pockets as she walked back into the hospital through the front entrance. One of the staff took note of the action but Saiko quickly explained it was not alcohol, merely tea. Satisfied, the nurse went on about her own business.

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