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Silence turns out to be Faime's only haven, obviously she's trying to think of what to do to avoid what is likely going to happen few minutes to come.
Once I halt my car she flickers out, attempting to prevent any conversation with me.
I smile at the thought and follow, getting out of my car in haste to intervene her efforts before she literally flees from me by entering her home gate.

I grip her wrist gently and pull her Infront of me as we both stand near her home gate.
"What are you doing" she hisses, terror oozing from her tone, I smirk down at her and blurt out intentionally loudly.
"I'm holding you back" she immediately stamps her palm on my mouth to shut me up.
"Lower your voice Zaheer, Abou might notice us" she speaks pleadily in a small whisper.

"You were going to leave without granting my goodnight wish" I say comfortably still holding her wrist carefully.
She huffs and touches my hand to refrain her wrist from my tug
"Zaheer please, Abou might see us, let me go inside" she requests politely though I can tell she wishes to slap me across the face for causing her all this terror.
Frankly, I am enjoying all this drama and I am looking forward to unfolding it until my arch enemy audiences.

"Not without a goodnight kiss Faime" I persist and chuckle as she growls in frustration
"Fine...then you'll really have to leave" she orders solidly ,a scowl surfacing on her face which entertains my eyes to their satisfaction.
"Alright" I say whilst smiling cunningly.
She pecks my right cheek taking me by surprise.

She turns away from me to walk through her home gate but before she reaches closer to it.
I once again pull her back and place my hands around her waist.
"Zaheer" she pleadily calls my name admist toiling to remove my hands from her tiny waist.
I crush my lips lightly on hers making her efforts melt in a halt thus she rests her hands on my arms allowing me to lead us towards a real kiss.

I place my forehead against her soft forehead after refraining from her lips then I smile at her.
" It's ok...Qurata'ain, your Abou is surely asleep right now" I joke playfully making her sigh in defeat, her brown sparkling orbs elevated to my face.
"Zaheer...Abou is not as gentle as you think, he won't let this go peacefully if he catches us this time" she says, emphasizing with all the energy she manages to display in her voice.
I ignore her plea and unplug my forehead from hers then I say romantically while caressing her cheek with my right thumb.
"You know your Hayati is a Legendary protege, don't you?"
She froans at me and resumes her toil to free herself from my fastened yet gentle hold around her waist.

As I watch her attempt, effortlessly trapping her, my blue orbs befall my arch opponent in the coming duel.
'Mr Tariq Ferouz khatami ' standing at the front door step of his house starring daggers at me, triggering a smirk on my face thus I lower my head to Faime's ear and murmer.
"Looks like we awoke sherbet's Abou"
I say earning a frozen posture from Faime before she terrifiedly tilts towards her father's direction making her worry multiple.

Faime instantly walks inside to where her father is standing, nervousness evident in her slow steps before she halts Infront of her pissed off father , blazing in hot anger shown by his clenched fists as his rageous eyes shower me with dread warnings.
"Goodnight Qurata'ain" I say purposely making Faime turn to me thus I wink at her as if it would impress her, Faime being the nonsense hater I know shoots me a spiteful glare at which I charmingly smile in response.

"Go inside.." Mr Tariq orders his daughter coldly, therefore Faime faces him and remains silent for a short while , picking suitable words to persuade him with.
"Abou....please let this slide, we can talk it off" she asks but her father throws her request a deaf ear, cocking his head sideways to show how decided he is.
Faime touches her father's fist with her hands but that in contrary to her expectations worsens the situation since Mr Tariq grabs her hand and drags her through the front door then he locks it from outside.

As far as I know the man, he can neither bear a hair strand pulled from his daughter's head nor lay a finger on her after all I am his real business which he is up to specifically deal with.
Being overwhelmed by interest due to his move I lean on my car driver door.
Smirking at him as he commences walking towards me in strides, I comfortably wait to see how daring he is to hurt the man whom his daughter loves most.
Faime bangs the front door while calling her father to stop him from doing whatever he's planning.
"Abou... Abou don't.... Abou" Faime yells nonstop

My father-in-law finally reaches the gate and pulls out a loose rod from it's grill making me wonder if he unwelded it when he found out too late that I eloped with his daughter to use it for a pay back when I return her.
I deepen my smirk and slide my hands Into my trousers pockets boldly to actually let him know he is not in a fight with a coward.
Faime's panicked voice dominates the atmosphere tuned with thuds of low intensity as she bangs the front door admist calling her father to negotiate.

          Since I am too eger to focus on her, I obey the urge to capture every move made by my enemy hence I backstage glimpsing at her and constantly eye Mr Tariq who arrives Infront of me and heaves the rod towards my stagnant head as my eyes remain in contest with his.

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