Darkness Baby Kitty (new au)

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Demon Yuri, an 12-year old demon who is the demon girl of Luki Yamashiro, she saw Baby Felix and Baby Kitty being in love each other, but things started to get worse, Baby Kitty was evil and kills Baby Felix and she's going home and breaking up with him, he died and Yuri start to feel sad, meanwhile, Baby Kitty starts to hypnotize Mimi and the 2 looked evil, they are going home and meet each other around tomorrow, the next day, Baby Elsa didn't heard about her friend's death, Felix the Cat comes to her and tell her what happened, she tells him that Baby Kitty and Mimi are hypnotize, soon after, Yuri, Baby Elsa and Felix are now detective to investigate and they make Baby Felix alive, they make Baby Kitty and Mimi back to normal, now they lived happily ever after, the end

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