Baby Felix and Friends: Baby Kitty...by FelixCatKirby
Baby Kitty becomes angered at her boyfriend Baby Felix, as punishment for being strange, Baby Felix is forced to be single until he became good
Baby Felix: Blow Kissby FelixCatKirby
Zoe Sakamoto: Baby Felix, why are you crying
Baby Felix: (crying) Baby Kitty is going home and rejected me at the date
Zoe Sakamoto: Aww
(Felix enters the past)
Felix th...
Baby Elsa and Baby Felix: Around t...by FelixCatKirby
Baby Elsa is the vocalist and her friend Baby Felix is the backing vocalist
Baby Felix's hummingby FelixCatKirby
Baby Felix is a kind and beautiful cat where can be a major leaguer player he could never stops believing. He was hearing the song and starts humming a bit, Felix believ...