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Jungkook and Jimin are staying in a hotel for their motive but Jimin has to leave when he gets informed that his sister has tried to kill herself by cutting her wrist. It's because Jimin had already told her that they failed when they came to Seoul.

Jimin regretted that he told her sister about their failure and also believed in jungkook. Jimin cursed at him for giving up and for living in namjoon's apartment so early when there was a chance to win his trust and become his boyfriend then he could.......

Jimin goes back to his sister who was admitted to the hospital and was struggling to survive. Before jimin left he said to him " Thanks for coming here with me.... But now you can do whatever you want jk. I will do what I can do for my sister. After she's my sister, not yours. " and without waiting for a second he left the room.

Jungkook sat down on the bed, holding his head. He knows that what Jimin said he doesn't mean, he said it because he was mad at him. But still, he feels regretful for not doing what he said to do. He doesn't try to stop him cause he also knows he will not listen to him and the most important thing was right there for him to be with her sister.

But couldn't sit there and think only. He also gets out of the hotel and follows jimin by taking a cab to make it confirm that he goes to the airport carefully. He called him from behind when he came out from inside the cab. Jimin turned to see him but he ignored him. He was still angry at him.

Jungkook rushed to him to hug his buddy tightly. Jimin waited for a moment then he also wrapped his arms around him.

" Hyung, I am sorry. I will do what you requested me to do. I promise."

" You promised before too, jk. But it's fine if you do not want to do it. I am not going to force you. It's totally fine."

Jungkook thought he was still mad at him that's why he saying that way, sarcastically.

" Jimin-shi, this time I am telling you that I will do it. You have my word. I will go with the plan, just believe for once. "

Jimin relaxed his mind and thought about the situation in they're. Is it good to ask Jungkook to get into Namjoon's life and create an MMS of him so they can blackmail his elder brother as he was doing with jihyo? Was it? In this situation what was Namjoon's fault, what he did do wrong to them, nothing then why he should get used to and be trapped in this dirty game?

And what about jungkook, why did he care for his consent? He just requested him to do or emotionally blackmailed him into the nasty thing and he innocently agreed for the sake of their friendship. No, he's not like this selfish boy. He was never.

" No jk, you don't have to do anything forcing yourself into something that you don't want to do. Let's go back, we'll find out any solution, Anything. "

" What? What are you saying Jimin-shi"

" Yes, I am saying let's go back to Busan"

Jungkook takes steps backwards and lowers his head.

" No. We promised jihyo that we'd come when we succeeded in our purpose. We can't just leave so easily, we will go back when we do it. "

he looks into Jimin's eyes as confirming his decision.

" I will come back when I will complete my promise. You can go because right now she needs you."

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now