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word count: 3830
[part 2] ep. 37 - ep. 57

You spent most of the afternoon unconscious on the mattress you'd slept on the last time you'd come here. You desperately needed the sleep. You sometimes heard Vinny moving around or bits of conversation between him and his mom. Eventually you'd slept so much you could no longer close your eyes, something you didn't think would ever happen.

When you woke up you needed to move. Your legs felt so strange you had to check to make sure they were still there.

"Didn't we have training tonight?" you asked Vinny who was sitting on the couch beside you.

"I didn't want to wake you up,"

"Is it too late to go?"

"We can catch up," he said with a smirk.

Surprisingly, you managed to catch up to them quite easily. They'd decided to go back to the same place you'd gone last time, the one with the amazing view. Which you had to say was an excellent choice. Dom was trying to master leg overs, you were looking at the city lights below you, Vinny was beside you and June was talking with Minu. You weren't listening to what they were saying, you only started paying attention when Vinny chimed in. From what you'd gathered rumors about Mia were starting to spread at your school, something about an old man.

"Are you tired?" Vinny asked you when you got back to his place.


"No, I mean you slept all day. How are you gonna sleep tonight?"

You hadn't thought about that. You couldn't remember the last time you'd actually slept at night so it didn't really matter to you. Vinny sighed and called you a dumbass before getting his headphones out. He gave you one side and put the other in his own ear.

You both layed down on the mattress and watched the movie he'd put on his phone. He was already asleep halfway in and you couldn't remember if you'd managed to finish the movie either but that didn't really matter did it?

The next day at school you finally got wind of the infamous rumor. It was all bullshit of course like you'd expected but still, you couldn't wait to get the fuck out of there.

You headed straight to work after school. You started complaining to Heri as soon as you stepped foot in there.

"I'm going insane," you said.

"Why is that?" she said without looking up from the bike pedal she was fixing.

"I can't get this bitch out of my head,"

"Who? Vinny?"

"Yeah. I used to think about him all the time because i was with him all the time. But then he was out of my life. He was gone. But now he's back and he's all I talk about, he's all i think about and he's everywhere."

"You've always talked about him a lot," She said calmly. She'd stopped working on the bike now and she was looking at you carefully.

"Yeah, before."

"No. Not just before, always,"

You took a moment to think about her words. It came slowly, the realization. Most people say it hits them like a truck but this one took it's time. It slowly crept up your shoulders making you shiver, it breathed down your neck making itself known before trying to suffocate you. He'd never really left your mind did he? He'd always been somewhere in your thoughts. No matter what you did, he was always there. Just like you'd never really hated him, you'd never really stopped thinking about him either. You were just waiting, waiting for the day he came back in your life.

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