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Mesmerizing shades of blue intertwine across the tall sky, each blending together to create one picture. Grey clouds of fluff interrupt the continuous streaks of color. The shapes come out to be different when perceived by pairs of new eyes. Each cloud molding itself into a new form, entirely dependent on the person's mind.

"Look a bear!"
'A table'

"A kite!!" The youngest Sterling sibling
exclaims next to you '...a square,'
am I seeing things too plainly? Good were the times of youth, where creativity and
imagination were overabundant.

Finally rain. Just like the time before.
You reach for the young girl's hand and rush towards the nearest entrance; your relaxing picnic coming to an end because of the incoming storm.

Upon entering the castle's doors you are
greeted by the familiar sight of an elderly man in a black suit standing upright. The butler greets you both before helping the younger girl attempt to dry off the cold rain with one of many towels. A soft sneeze escapes the Princess' mouth as one of the maids gently dries her drenched brick-red hair with a white towel.

"Princess, you must go upstairs; your bath is ready. Please tell Y/n your goodbyes then head up to your room quickly or you'll catch a cold" The older man advises sternly as he calls for more maids to prepare a change of clothes for princess Natalia. Natalia frowns because of this though.

"But I want to hang out with Y/n more-" The princess starts with a pleading expression. Her blue eyes droop down to look at the floor. The butler sends you a look, signaling for you to step in to tell the princess that your time at the castle has come to an end. This scene has been
played many times.

"Princess, I'm afraid our time together is over for today," You calmly let the girl know. She looks up at you in a child-like way; she's begging you to stay.

You hesitate before speaking again, thinking up a viable excuse that she might comprehend.

"Ivonne- She needs me at the estate for
preparations, her debut into society is soon—"

"Y/n~" Her singsong voice hoping to convince you to stay longer.


"You can stay a bit longer can't you?" She gives you a bright smile. Even though this happens continuously, she believes her persistence will one day persuade you to stay longer.

"Can't you?~ Pleaseee," She jumps up and
down. One of the maids helping to dry her off makes a frown due to Natalia's incessant

But you know what will happen if you agree to stay. You gave in to the girl's pleads before when you first arrived into this world and began to tutor her. A "little longer" turned into much more with you spending the night over at the Princess' castle.

This night at the castle did not come without consequence as it was followed by a lecture from your aunt and cousin Ivonne about how it's improper for an unmarried young lady to spend the night anywhere spontaneously; especially given your
only relation to the Princess is being her
embroidering tutor. You were not one to make the same mistake twice, not at the risk of upsetting those who care for you.

"I apologize for our short time together but I must take my leave," You follow up the firm statement with a small smile that hopefully came across as comforting.

"I will return next Tuesday." Although she knew this fact you add it for reassurance, thinking it will get you out of the castle faster.

"But you can't forget my tea party tomorrow! I want you to meet all my other friends and their friends and... Oh! My brothers too. You never come to any of my events and you're one of my favorite people" Eight-year-old Natalia pouts and crosses her arms across her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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