Chapter Five

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Meanwhile, Cam and his team were struggling fighting Zurgane as Marty, Rose, Amy, Ivy and Devon helped them after they defeated all the Xborgs.

Sky Defender Red: " Are you guys alright?"

Green Samurai Ranger: " We're fine. We have no idea how Zurgane is alive."

Sky Defender Red: " I suspected someone revived this creep."

Yellow Wind Ranger: " The question is who revived Zurgane."

Psycho Pink: " Drakkon might be involved."

Pink Overdrive Ranger: " That might not be good if Drakkon gets involved in reviving old alien freaks from the past."

Blue Wind Ranger: " Then, we have to deal with Zurgane first."

Zurgane: " Don't be so sure rangers."

Zurgane summoned the Kelzacks.

Blue Wind Ranger: " Kelzacks!"

Navy Thunder Ranger: " Looks we have another super round fight here."

Crimson Thunder Ranger: " Let's take them down."

All 11 rangers were started fighting the Kelzacks.

Sky Defender Red: " Sky Defender Sword!"

Marty summoned his Sky Defender Sword.

Sky Defender Blue: " Sky Defender Hammer!"

Amy summoned her Sky Defender Hammer.

Both Marty and Amy strike down several Kelzacks.

Sky Defender Blue: " I feel more energized."

Sky Defender Red: " Let's show these crooks the real phenomenon."

Sky Defender Blue: " Right."

Marty and Amy continued to take down many Kelzacks.

Sky Defender Blue: " Too easy."

Meanwhile, Zurgane overpowered Cam.

Zurgane: " Your finish Green Ranger!"

Suddenly, Lucas showed up and attacked Zurgane.

Time Force Blue: " Not so fast alien freak."

Zurgane: " Another Blue Ranger!"

Lucas and Cam joined forces and managed to overpowered Zurgane.

Zurgane: " This is not over yet!"

Zurgane retreats.

Time Force Blue: " He retreats."

Green Samurai Ranger: " We better help the others clearing all the Kelzacks."

Time Force Blue: " Right."

Now Lucas helps Cam and the others to dispatched all the Kelzacks.

Time Force Blue: " Quarter Saber!"

Lucas summoned his Quarter Saber and take down several Kelzacks.

Time Force Blue: " Too easy."

Meanwhile, Rose, Ivy and Devon struck down more Kelzacks.

Pink Overdrive Ranger: " Easy opponents."

Psycho Pink: " These are alien footsoldiers. They're easy adversaries."

Beast Morpher Red: " We need to get rid of them as soon as possible."

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