•Chapter 1:Meeting•

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I was getting out of my house on my way to my car so that I could drive to school.When I noticed that the front part of my car looked like it had been crashed into a tree."What the Fuck"I whispered.Noticing that there was a note on my windshield wipers

"Dear Steve,
Sorry I stole your car while you where sleeping.I accidentally crashed into a tree last night.😬I'll see you at school.
Sincerely Max"

Great now I have to drive this piece of junk to the garage.Looking at my phone I notice that the nearest garage was five minutes away.I get into the car and put my backpack in the passenger seat.I turn on my car and start dialing Max.*Ring Ring Ring*
Steve -Hey what the fuck did you do to my car Max-Umm wasn't it clearly stated in the note Steve-Yeah but why did you have to steal my car...
*She hung up on me.*
"omfg" I say.I arrive at the garage while talking to Billie on the phone about how his sister stole my car and crashed it.
Steve-Believe me Billie your sister will never get to use my car again!
as I get out of the car after hanging up with Billie I talk to the middle aged guy at the reception to ask if my car will work."Yeah it'll work just give me about an hour"he says after checking it out"Is it okay if I stay here until it's done"I asked the guy"Yeah go ahead"I sit down in a chair "Hey Eddie come help me with this car!"I hear the guy say"I'm going!"I hear another voice say
I start walking to help my uncle with a car that just came in.When I get to the reception I see that Steve a guy I go to school with is sitting right there"If it isn't king Steve"I say with a smirk"Hey Eddie you work here?"He says"Yeah when I don't have school I help my uncle out"I say"Oh"He says"Eddie bring me the tools"My uncle says"On it!"i say and grab the tools that are above Steve's head.I look at Steve and see he's blushing.I didn't know what was wrong with him but I take the tools to my uncle and I tie my hair up into a ponytail.
This man literally put his chest right in front of my face.I could feel my face heating up.And then he has the audacity to walk away like nothing happen and put his hair into a ponytail.If he's a 10/10 with his hair down.He's a 20/10 with his hair up.😳Anyways I just stare at Eddie the whole time he's working on my car with his uncle.He looked absolutely gorgeous.Wait did I just say gorgeous.I'm I fangirling over Eddie the freak Mundson.No that can't happen I'm straight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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