001. ahoy, ladies!

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ahoy, ladies
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ONE! ahoy, ladies╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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         There were some days that Ashley Parker regretted taking a part time job at the Scoops Ahoy. She wanted to believe that working at an ice cream parlour would be a tolerable job but she had quickly come to learn that it wasn't fun working at the only ice cream parlour in a mall and that place happened to be the only mall in all of Hawkins.

She was often subjected to dealing with crowds of people at once as the mall was constantly busy. It also didn't help that the shop was severely understaffed, forcing her to work long day shifts at all times, despite barely making minimum wage (which only happened to be three US dollars per hour in 1985).

Ashley currently stood behind the marble counter, restocking the containers of ice cream. She only worked with two other teens, Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington. But she was often stuck with restock duty as the other two never wanted to. She sometimes scooped and handed out cones but that was only when the ice cream containers were full or everyone was on break, which rarely happened.

Ashley was restocking the metal container of the USS Butterscotch flavour for what felt like the millionth time that day as it was Scoops' best selling flavour. If someone ordered one more cup of that flavour than she might commit homicidal rage with an ice cream cone.

The teen girl sighed in annoyance, blowing her artificial orange curtain bangs out of her face before stretching her super achy back. She was immediately met with some questionable sounding pops. The girl brushed it off as the metal ice cream containers weighed a ton. It was probably just that and definitely not her poor posture.

Ashley then leaned against the back wall, next to the window to the break room, to catch her breath before having to go back to restocking. She was sweating beyond belief and the ridiculous polyester blue sailor that she was forced to wear for the job, didn't help her case. She was sweating bullets and had barely done any heavy lifting.

As if Ashley's day couldn't of gotten any worse, she was immediately greeted by a group of teenagers, who had just entered the shop. She was very familiar with this group as they always showed up in order to gain access to the restricted back hallways as they wanted to get into the movies for free. It didn't help that her one co-worker was practically besties with this group of teens. She unfortunately knew them quite well, almost too well for her liking.

The tallest skeleton, who often sported an annoyed expression was Mike Wheelers. The red headed girl was Max Mayfield. Someone who she thought was queer at first but was shocked to find out that she had a boyfriend, named Lucas Sinclair. Finally, there was the quietest and kindest one of the group with the cursed bowl cut, who was named Will Byers.

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