A Side SpinOff

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Everest Pov

"Ugh, why did I do that, I've should of said something not just ran away, I  say blushing my teeth in the mirror,"she so thinks I'm weird now" I mutter and walk out into the main room,"Good Morning Everest, I made you some bacon and Pupcakes for ya, we have a long day ahead of us" Jake's says as he sits my  bowl down,"Thanks Jake"  I say, "no problem, but are you really going to stay in your pj's all day, it will be cold out" Jake says, "maybe, I mean they are really comfortable and fuzzy", I say and eat my breakfast, "ok but just feel how cold is it now-" Jake said waking up to the door and try to open it but it stays shut,"uh what the" Jake says and pull harder pushing his shoulder on the door,"um Everest can you help me out here ,this door will not budge", "coming" Everest says and pushes the door with all her might, nothing, "wow, okay what is going on here" Jake says as Everest looks out the window, filled with white snow, "um Jake, it looks like snow, a lot of snow" Everest says as Jake walked over seeing the two windows filled with snow, "oh no, the storm must of Snowed us in, I totally forgot about it" Jake said and pulled out his phone, "Better call The Paw Patrol for help" Jake says dialing the number.

(Meanwhile, Meanwhile)
At the Lookout

"Alright time for the best part of winter, hygge, comfy blankets, movies, and now the fireplace all light, let get this started" Ryder says as he sets the blankets,"Beep Beep" Ryder's Paw Pad gets a call, "oh it Jake", "Oh Ryder, I'm glad you answer,Everest and I could you some help", Jake says quickly over the call,"woah slow down, and tell me what happen?", Ryder says,"okay, so Everest and I woke up in deep ,deep ,deep deep, snow due to huge snow storm and we can't get out this cabin" Jake explained,  Showing Ryder the Snowed up windows, "don't worry Jake, No pup is Too big , no pup is Too small, Paw Patrol is On A Roll" Rider says and calls the Pups on their tags, "Ryder Need Us" They says and run to the elevator, "wait where is Marshall?", Chase says as Marshall comes rolling on a yoga ball with ink on his paws as he rolls into the elevator and knocks the pups down, "Strike" Marshall says and the Pups laugh as chase gets up and hugs the dalmatian as they head up to the top of the lookout.

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