~Melissa's prov~
I acted like i was really excited as the lads finished the concert with "teenage dirtbag"
I was wrong..fan's did recognize me and twitter is blowing up with my name ..great -.-
I feel some one pulling me and i look to see evyn pulling me while the girls & Anjali
walk beside her. I groan and drift back into my thoughts
"you're glad to see them"
"no i am not!"
"yes you are! you just don't forgive them"
"Yes to not forgiving them but seeing them omfg! no!"
"I'm right"
"How are you right!? We are the same damn person!"
"I'm always right since i control your brain! Now stop arguing!"
I sigh and snap out of my thoughts by Eleanor shoutting in my face
"Melissa! MELISSA! WAKE UP! "
"What i miss!?"
I saw all of them laughing then Liam come over putting his arm around my waist.
"Well Love, We Just asked Anjali and You if you wanna come on tour"
Shit! was the only words the came and ran through my mind.
~Evyn's prov~
It's great to see my tigger again. I've missed her like crazy.. It's just different.. lots has changed..to much.. if you can ask .
I stared at melissa and next thing i know is she screams
"Hell to the fucking no!"
She took off running.
"That's just fucking Great!" I look to see Niall being sarcastic.. wow that's a change of events.
I took off running with Anjali Eleanor, Louis , Liam with me. Harry ,Zayn,Perrie went one way while Josh,Niall,Brittany went another way.
We been looking for a hour when we all run into each other. Yes Slam into each other running. I fall on the floor and groan. "Fuck!"
I turn to see paul shaking his head "OKay up! time to go!"
"Anjali is coming with us! Melissa ran off!!" I could see pain in Paul's eyes but he tried to hide to well. He misses her. We all do.. Maybe Anjai will help us and tell her where she lives.. to fix everything. Just maybe she will listen and everything will be alright again..