Chapter 6

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I leave with Nunew from Tutor's apartment. I decided to walk him first in the area where someone will pick him up. We talk about things at first and also about our work and his available time and also mine.

"The cake taste so good. I love it!" Nunew said smiling like a child.

"You can tell me next time and I'll give you another one. Just tell me what flavor you want to taste too. I'll make it for you."

"You make it?"

"Yeah, I'm one of the baker in cafe. So I can make extra if I want. It's the best seller."

"The cake is as sweet as Nat's bought cake last time. I think it's from the cafe you are working for. He said it is just near this area. Actually it is his dad and his favorite cafe cause of cakes and coffee. Maybe you know him."

"Maybe, our cafe is the only cafe near the area that serves cakes. So maybe it is from us. I'll be glad to meet Nat soon."

We smile and then I continue to talk.

"Anyway, do you know anywhere to do our work?"

"I think it's fine if we could do the work at our company. My boss won't mind it since it is school stuff related."

Nunew said and I just nod since we don't have a choice. And I also understand cause it is for his security since he is an artist.

"Sure but, do you think it's best way to let Yom and Tutor be partners? I mean they really don't let a second when they are together not arguing."

"I know Yim well. If someone show kindness to him he will return it. It's like what you did to him, you will get it from him. So I kinda understand him why he act like that towards Tutor but I see Tutor is kind so maybe they can work it out themselves."

Nunew said and I agree with him. Tutor is really nice, I mean I wouldn't have been his friend since childhood if he is not nice right?

As we walk towards the entrance of university a black Mercedes Benz is being parked and the door at the driver's seat opened and a tall guy came out. He is indeed got a superstar look even in personal or photos from internet.

He first look at Nunew as Nunew gave him a sweet and cute smile that the guy smiling at him too. I feel there's something in his smile, i don't know. It's like a fake smile or a pretending smile, I'm not sure. It immediately fade when his eyes drop on me and furrowed his eyebrow towards me.

"Don't mind him, he just don't like seeing me with other people specially good looking men."

Nunew said and I just chuckle and shake my head when he said I'm good looking.

As we approach by the guy, he immediately hug Nunew as he kissed the little guy's soft cheek that made Nunew smile shyly then take Nunew's bag as he gave me a glare. Scary but not so scary look.

"Ahm- I'll go now New. Be home safe."

I said and Nunew look at me with his soft smile as Mr. Zee Pruk place his right hand around Nunew's waist like someone will steal the little guy.

"Okay. Keep safe James. Thank you for walking with me and I'll message you later about my schedule. I wanna know yours too. So we can meet."

I nod at him and wave goodbye as I start walking away. I'm not that far and I heard the older guy asking New.

"Why do he need to know your schedule so as he? And why do you too need to meet? I thought he is just your classmate?"

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