Every Autumn Falls

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EAF story of Mauv and Cael has finally ended. 

This book became a huge part of my youth not just as a writer but as part of the queer community. I hope this book series inspires many readers like you to continue loving the things and the people that makes you blossom beautiful.

I am so grateful for all of your support--- your comments, votes, and even how you share and promote my stories to other, it really means so much to me. I can't find the right statement to fully express how I am truly happy. Thank you for reading the first book of the Youthful Series.

Youthful Series #2 will soon be published, and this will be Lexi's story.

May you find peace and comfort in my stories as it is one of my sole purposes. Thank you.

Love, Mosie.

Every Autumn Fall (Youthful Series 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon