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1918: The Great War Ended.

1919: The Treaty of Versailles was signed.

1920's: Start of the Jazz Age.

1926: Discovery and research Nuclear.

1927: Small pockets of Communist Revolanries were put down in France, England, and United States.

1930's: Nazi party rose to power 

1933: Hitler became Futher of Nazi Germany.

1930's- 1941: The Great Depression

1935: Mussolini invades Ethiopia.

1937-45: Second Sino- Japanse War. 

1938: Austria and Czechoslovak join Naiz Germany.

1939-1945: WW2 began when Germans and Soviets invade Poland and ends with two atom bombs dropped on Japan.

1950's: The start of investments in Neacular began. Build the first Nuclear missiles.

1964-1972: Countries American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Became US states.

 1950s-1980: US and Nato skirmishes against Communist threat known as the Cold War. 

1990s: The Soviet Union collapsed creating an individual commonwealth. 

1995: Communist China rises to power.

1997: Reports of Dewilding Resources.

 1999: Largest Famine in History hits Europe. Millions suffered from starvation.

2001: Reports of decrease in oil.

2007: Middle East countries invaded each other.

2015: Food and Gas prices increase.

2019: A plague was released into the world killing millions.

2025: The start of building Neacular cores within the city and power cars.

2029: World Wide crisis of low gas.

2030: The United States Invaded Mexico colonizing it.

2032: After the invasion, United Nations was weak to anything about the invasion, and soon after the UN was disbanded.

2035: The Start of the Resource Wars.

2036: The European Union invaded the war-torn Middle East.

2037: Taylor was born.

2038: In desperation and not wanting Eourpeaon occupation. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and launch their missiles wiping themselves turning the Middle East into Westland. European returns to Europe and fought amongst themselves.  

2040: The War decimated Europe and soon smaller nations' economies fell apart due to the greed of European nations.

2042: Oil Reserves were all-time low and panic swept through the country. The government must find another for to maintain its resources.

2043: The answer was found as they build Necaler used similar to the Necualar cities, these were known as Nuclear-fusion.

2044: Nuclear fusion was put into use as cars, houses, and many others are powered by these fusions.

2045: Because of these discoveries the United States close its trades in Oil. 

2045: The US angered China as it depends on its Oils and if it doesn't have fossil fuel. The country will fall. Not taking any chances China launch a full-scale invasion of Alaska. The US pulled its troops out. This Started the Sino-American War.

2046: US Annex Canada and invaded Alaska. Soon became a standstill.

2048: Riots began to appear around the country.

2033: the US open a theater in the pacific invading China's homeland. Using thier fusion weapons.

2034: Riots increase and the US declares marshal law but wasn't able to contain the riots.

2035: the US rolling up on Benjin China's capital soon meeting thier end. China launches Nuclear missiles at the US including thier land destroying themselves and the United States ending the war along with humanity.

Though Taylor survived Armageddon as he took shelter in the Vault that was built in the early twenty-first century. Asleep in a cryo pod sleep over thousands of years he soon wakes up in a New World and has a part in creating a better future for humanity.

( Hey guys. So I had this idea for a long time so why not write it right? I add the Fallout storyline, but there are no robots a few monsters, and no power armor. I'll get started soon. Another thing is my class is starting very soon so expect a lot of updates. I'll see you later.  Washinton out)

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