How can I manifest something ?

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Our community is filled with
creative people who created
or found ways to manifest or
take make manifesting more fun !

In this chapter I'll name the
most known/used methods,
but I'll definitely talk about other
great methods as well !

An affirmation could be
"I wake up with clear skin
and longer eyelashes"
"I feel amazing right now"
"Wow ! I have 1 Million USD
in my bank account."

It is basically a sentence
or thought that you're thinking of
Your subconscious mind, which
is "awake" all the time is
aware of that ( will talk more
about it later though )

You can also write
affirmations down
( mentioned in
the scripting section )

So all you have to do is
to form a sentence that
includes your desire that
you want to manifest &
either say it out loud ( if you
want to ) or say it in your head

It doesn't matter how often
you do that - once a day is
absolutely fine and enough

You are basically creating
a mental image of whatever
you want to manifest.

For example, if you desire
to live in a huge mansion
you can picture it in your head.
Imagine each room, each item,
each corner etc.
You can also add Affirmations
in this and for example affirm
I have already manifested
what I'm visualizing right now

If you have a hard time
with visualizing - I have
a post on Instagram where
you can practice it !

Probably the most known
and popular method

A subliminal is an audio
and/or video that has affirmations
in a low volume under it

Sometimes you can hear them,
sometimes not - it depends on
how low the affirmations are

Those affirmations can be
heard by your subconscious mind
though & will manifest whatever
the subliminal promises
in your reality.

Subliminals are usually
posted & available for
everyone on YouTube

This is something that most
shifters do, from what I've heard

Scripting is basically writing down
( it doesn't matter if you do it on
a piece of paper or in your notes app/phone ) your affirmations

You can also write down your
desires & write "I'm so happy
that I own all of that" next
to it.

People who shift usually
script what they want in
their desired reality,
how they look like, the
people in that reality,
their life etc.

The Void State
The Void State is basically
a state where there's nothing.

No people, no sounds, nothing,
it's like you're in
an empty & black hole.

When you enter the void state
you can affirm or visualize
your desires and when you leave
that state, you immediately
get it.

You can manifest
anything instantly in
the void state.

Most people enter it
with affirmations,
others use subliminals

The most used affirmations are :

• I'm in the void state
• I'm pure consciousness
• I'm shapeless, formless & faceless
• I am not attached to any reality


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