The Record Store

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On a fine day. You were just minding your own business when you decided to visit the nearest record store. You don't really want to buy anything inside and you just want to look at their new arrivals until you decided to buy Madonna's album. When you took her album and about to pay it, a man noticed what you picked and told you "Good choice of album," "Thank you," you said but not really looking at him so you think it's just an ordinary person. Until the man introduces himself "That's nice. Uh, I'm Jordan by the way." he told you, sticking his left hand out to give you a handshake. When you heard his name, you looked at him and you were so surprised that the man who you were crazy about when you were 16 was right in front of you and talking to you. You froze for a bit but went back to normal then you also introduced yourself. "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Jordan." you replied, accepting his handshake and you felt a spark. You wanted to scream so loud and hug him so bad now that he's just in front of you but you stopped yourself. As you're talking to him, you suddenly asked "How come no one's noticing you?", "I often come here so they just think of me as an ordinary customer rather than a celebrity," he replied as he chuckled. You still can't believe your eyes. "How did this happen? I used to only talk to him through posters and now he's here. In front of me. Talking to me. Shook hands with me. Knew my name. This is a dream come true!" you thought to yourself. Then Jordan tapped you on your shoulder and asked if you're okay. You assured him that you're fine. You two spent time at the record store for a while, chatting. Until he said he had to leave. You were sad but it was worth it since you finally met him. When Jordan was about to leave you suddenly called him and came closer to him and told him to be careful outside. "Thanks. You too," he said while smiling at you. When he didn't know that you slipped something in his jacket pocket and he quickly left.

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